This page contains a summary of the data available in the AuSSA 2014 - Citizenship.

To make sense of the variable names - please refer to the questionnaire which is available to download from the ADA

The complete data set is also available to download from the ADA

  warning = TRUE, # show warnings during codebook generation
  message = TRUE, # show messages during codebook generation
  error = TRUE, # do not interrupt codebook generation in case of errors,
                # usually better for debugging
  echo = TRUE  # show R code
# to import an SPSS file from the same folder uncomment and edit the line below


codebook_data <- read_spss("aussa2014-codebook.sav")

#Recode can't choose to be sequential
for (col in colnames(codebook_data)) {
   if (!is.null(get_labels(codebook_data[[col]],attr.only=TRUE))) {
       labs <- get_labels(codebook_data[[col]],attr.only=TRUE)
       vals <- get_values(codebook_data[[col]])
       locator <- grep('choose',labs,
       if (length(locator) != 0) {
           codebook_data[[col]] <- remove_labels(codebook_data[[col]],labels = labs[locator])
           mval <- max(vals[-locator]) + 1
           codebook_data[[col]] <- add_labels(codebook_data[[col]], labels = setNames(mval,labs[locator]))
           codebook_data[[col]][codebook_data[[col]]==vals[locator]] <- mval

# for Stata
# codebook_data <- rio::import("mydata.dta")
# for CSV
# codebook_data <- rio::import("mydata.csv")

# omit the following lines, if your missing values are already properly labelled
codebook_data <- detect_missing(codebook_data,
    only_labelled = TRUE, # only labelled values are autodetected as
                                   # missing
    negative_values_are_missing = FALSE, # negative values are missing values
    ninety_nine_problems = TRUE,   # 99/999 are missing values, if they
                                   # are more than 5 MAD from the median

# If you are not using formr, the codebook package needs to guess which items
# form a scale. The following line finds item aggregates with names like this:
# scale = scale_1 + scale_2R + scale_3R
# identifying these aggregates allows the codebook function to
# automatically compute reliabilities.
# However, it will not reverse items automatically.
#codebook_data <- detect_scales(codebook_data)
metadata(codebook_data)$name <- "Australian Survey of Social Attitudes 2014 - Citizenship"
metadata(codebook_data)$description <- "The Australian Survey of Social Attitudes (AuSSA) is Australia’s main source of data for the scientific study of the social attitudes, beliefs and opinions of Australians, how they change over time, and how they compare with other societies. The survey is used to help researchers better understand how Australians think and feel about their lives. It produces important information about the changing views and attitudes of Australians as we move through the 21st century. Similar surveys are run in other countries, so data from the AuSSA also allows us to compare Australia with countries all over the world. The aims of the survey are to discover: the range of Australians’ views on topics that are important to all of us; how these views differ for people in different circumstances; how they have changed over the past quarter century; and how they compare with people in other countries. AuSSA is also the Australian component of the International Social Survey Project (ISSP). The ISSP is a cross-national collaboration on surveys covering important topics. Each year, survey researchers in some 40 countries each do a national survey using the same questions. The ISSP focuses on a special topic each year, repeating that topic from time to time. The topic for 2014 is 'Citizenship'. This is the second time this has been the topic of the survey, having previously been the theme for surveys in 2004."
metadata(codebook_data)$identifier <- "doi:10.26193/C86EZG"
metadata(codebook_data)$datePublished <- "2021-10-26"
metadata(codebook_data)$creator <- list(
      "@type" = "Person",
      givenName = "Adam", familyName = "Zammit",
      email = "", 
      affiliation = list("@type" = "Organization",
        name = "Australian Consortium for Social and Political Research Incorporated (ACSPRI)"))
metadata(codebook_data)$citation <- "ACSPRI (2021). AuSSA 2014 Codebook."
metadata(codebook_data)$url <- ""
metadata(codebook_data)$temporalCoverage <- "2014" 
metadata(codebook_data)$spatialCoverage <- "Australia" 



Dataset name: Australian Survey of Social Attitudes 2014 - Citizenship

The Australian Survey of Social Attitudes (AuSSA) is Australia’s main source of data for the scientific study of the social attitudes, beliefs and opinions of Australians, how they change over time, and how they compare with other societies. The survey is used to help researchers better understand how Australians think and feel about their lives. It produces important information about the changing views and attitudes of Australians as we move through the 21st century. Similar surveys are run in other countries, so data from the AuSSA also allows us to compare Australia with countries all over the world. The aims of the survey are to discover: the range of Australians’ views on topics that are important to all of us; how these views differ for people in different circumstances; how they have changed over the past quarter century; and how they compare with people in other countries. AuSSA is also the Australian component of the International Social Survey Project (ISSP). The ISSP is a cross-national collaboration on surveys covering important topics. Each year, survey researchers in some 40 countries each do a national survey using the same questions. The ISSP focuses on a special topic each year, repeating that topic from time to time. The topic for 2014 is ‘Citizenship’. This is the second time this has been the topic of the survey, having previously been the theme for surveys in 2004.

Metadata for search engines

name value
@type Person
givenName Adam
familyName Zammit
affiliation Organization , Australian Consortium for Social and Political Research Incorporated (ACSPRI)



There are different opinions as to what it takes to be a good citizen.  As far as you are concerned personally on a scale of 1 to 7, where 1 is not at all important and 7 is very important, how important is it: : Always to vote in elections


Distribution of values for A1A

Distribution of values for A1A

46 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss
A1A There are different opinions as to what it takes to be a good citizen.  As far as you are concerned personally on a scale of 1 to 7, where 1 is not at all important and 7 is very important, how important is it: : Always to vote in elections numeric 46 0.9679443 1 7 8 6.347732 1.332114 ▁▁▁▂▇ F1.0

Value labels

Response choices
name value
Not at all important 1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
6 6
Very important 7 7
Cant choose 8


There are different opinions as to what it takes to be a good citizen.  As far as you are concerned personally on a scale of 1 to 7, where 1 is not at all important and 7 is very important, how important is it: : Never to try to evade taxes


Distribution of values for A1B

Distribution of values for A1B

55 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss
A1B There are different opinions as to what it takes to be a good citizen.  As far as you are concerned personally on a scale of 1 to 7, where 1 is not at all important and 7 is very important, how important is it: : Never to try to evade taxes numeric 55 0.9616725 1 7 8 6.423188 1.104036 ▁▁▂▂▇ F1.0

Value labels

Response choices
name value
Not at all important 1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
6 6
Very important 7 7
Cant choose 8


There are different opinions as to what it takes to be a good citizen.  As far as you are concerned personally on a scale of 1 to 7, where 1 is not at all important and 7 is very important, how important is it: : Always to obey laws and regulations


Distribution of values for A1C

Distribution of values for A1C

46 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss
A1C There are different opinions as to what it takes to be a good citizen.  As far as you are concerned personally on a scale of 1 to 7, where 1 is not at all important and 7 is very important, how important is it: : Always to obey laws and regulations numeric 46 0.9679443 1 7 8 6.50468 0.9185957 ▁▁▁▂▇ F1.0

Value labels

Response choices
name value
Not at all important 1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
6 6
Very important 7 7
Cant choose 8


There are different opinions as to what it takes to be a good citizen.  As far as you are concerned personally on a scale of 1 to 7, where 1 is not at all important and 7 is very important, how important is it: : To keep watch on the actions of gove


Distribution of values for A1D

Distribution of values for A1D

55 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss
A1D There are different opinions as to what it takes to be a good citizen.  As far as you are concerned personally on a scale of 1 to 7, where 1 is not at all important and 7 is very important, how important is it: : To keep watch on the actions of gove numeric 55 0.9616725 1 6 8 5.942029 1.274893 ▁▁▅▅▇ F1.0

Value labels

Response choices
name value
Not at all important 1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
6 6
Very important 7 7
Cant choose 8


There are different opinions as to what it takes to be a good citizen.  As far as you are concerned personally on a scale of 1 to 7, where 1 is not at all important and 7 is very important, how important is it: : To be active in social or political


Distribution of values for A1E

Distribution of values for A1E

58 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss
A1E There are different opinions as to what it takes to be a good citizen.  As far as you are concerned personally on a scale of 1 to 7, where 1 is not at all important and 7 is very important, how important is it: : To be active in social or political numeric 58 0.9595819 1 4 8 3.936819 1.800659 ▅▃▇▂▂ F1.0

Value labels

Response choices
name value
Not at all important 1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
6 6
Very important 7 7
Cant choose 8


There are different opinions as to what it takes to be a good citizen.  As far as you are concerned personally on a scale of 1 to 7, where 1 is not at all important and 7 is very important, how important is it: : To try to understand the reasoning o


Distribution of values for A1F

Distribution of values for A1F

48 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss
A1F There are different opinions as to what it takes to be a good citizen.  As far as you are concerned personally on a scale of 1 to 7, where 1 is not at all important and 7 is very important, how important is it: : To try to understand the reasoning o numeric 48 0.9665505 1 6 8 5.825523 1.292608 ▁▁▆▆▇ F1.0

Value labels

Response choices
name value
Not at all important 1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
6 6
Very important 7 7
Cant choose 8


There are different opinions as to what it takes to be a good citizen.  As far as you are concerned personally on a scale of 1 to 7, where 1 is not at all important and 7 is very important, how important is it: : To choose products for political, et


Distribution of values for A1G

Distribution of values for A1G

61 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss
A1G There are different opinions as to what it takes to be a good citizen.  As far as you are concerned personally on a scale of 1 to 7, where 1 is not at all important and 7 is very important, how important is it: : To choose products for political, et numeric 61 0.9574913 1 5 8 5.074236 1.735711 ▂▂▇▆▅ F1.0

Value labels

Response choices
name value
Not at all important 1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
6 6
Very important 7 7
Cant choose 8


There are different opinions as to what it takes to be a good citizen.  As far as you are concerned personally on a scale of 1 to 7, where 1 is not at all important and 7 is very important, how important is it: : To help people in Australia who are


Distribution of values for A1H

Distribution of values for A1H

51 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss
A1H There are different opinions as to what it takes to be a good citizen.  As far as you are concerned personally on a scale of 1 to 7, where 1 is not at all important and 7 is very important, how important is it: : To help people in Australia who are numeric 51 0.9644599 1 6 8 5.834538 1.308272 ▁▁▆▅▇ F1.0

Value labels

Response choices
name value
Not at all important 1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
6 6
Very important 7 7
Cant choose 8


There are different opinions as to what it takes to be a good citizen.  As far as you are concerned personally on a scale of 1 to 7, where 1 is not at all important and 7 is very important, how important is it: : To help people in the rest of the wo


Distribution of values for A1I

Distribution of values for A1I

55 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss
A1I There are different opinions as to what it takes to be a good citizen.  As far as you are concerned personally on a scale of 1 to 7, where 1 is not at all important and 7 is very important, how important is it: : To help people in the rest of the wo numeric 55 0.9616725 1 5 8 4.718116 1.852296 ▃▃▇▃▅ F1.0

Value labels

Response choices
name value
Not at all important 1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
6 6
Very important 7 7
Cant choose 8


There are a number of groups in society. What do you think about the following groups holding public meetings? Should religious extremists be allowed to hold public meetings?  :


Distribution of values for A2

Distribution of values for A2

48 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss
A2 There are a number of groups in society. What do you think about the following groups holding public meetings? Should religious extremists be allowed to hold public meetings?  : numeric 48 0.9665505 1 3 5 3.162221 1.044639 ▂▃▅▇▁ F1.0

Value labels

Response choices
name value
Should definitely be allowed 1
Should probably be allowed 2
Should probably not be allowed 3
Should definitely not be allowed 4
Cant choose 5


Should people who want to overthrow the government by force be allowed to hold public meetings? :


Distribution of values for A3

Distribution of values for A3

45 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss
A3 Should people who want to overthrow the government by force be allowed to hold public meetings? : numeric 45 0.9686411 1 4 5 3.467626 0.9547137 ▁▁▂▇▁ F1.0

Value labels

Response choices
name value
Should definitely be allowed 1
Should probably be allowed 2
Should probably not be allowed 3
Should definitely not be allowed 4
Cant choose 5


Should people prejudiced against any racial or ethnic group be allowed to hold public meetings? :


Distribution of values for A4

Distribution of values for A4

44 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss
A4 Should people prejudiced against any racial or ethnic group be allowed to hold public meetings? : numeric 44 0.969338 1 3 5 3.176851 1.014462 ▂▃▅▇▁ F1.0

Value labels

Response choices
name value
Should definitely be allowed 1
Should probably be allowed 2
Should probably not be allowed 3
Should definitely not be allowed 4
Cant choose 5


Here are some different forms of political and social action that people can take. Please indicate, for each one,whether you have done any of these things in the past year,whether you have done it in the more distant past,whether you have not done i


Distribution of values for A5A

Distribution of values for A5A

50 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss
A5A Here are some different forms of political and social action that people can take. Please indicate, for each one,whether you have done any of these things in the past year,whether you have done it in the more distant past,whether you have not done i numeric 50 0.9651568 1 2 5 1.85704 0.9138046 ▇▇▃▁▁ F1.0

Value labels

Response choices
name value
Have done it in the past year 1
Have done it in the more distant past 2
Have not done it but might do it 3
Have not done it and would never do it 4
Can’t choose 5


Here are some different forms of political and social action that people can take. Please indicate, for each one,whether you have done any of these things in the past year,whether you have done it in the more distant past,whether you have not done i


Distribution of values for A5B

Distribution of values for A5B

55 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss
A5B Here are some different forms of political and social action that people can take. Please indicate, for each one,whether you have done any of these things in the past year,whether you have done it in the more distant past,whether you have not done i numeric 55 0.9616725 1 2 5 2.255797 1.215892 ▇▃▅▃▁ F1.0

Value labels

Response choices
name value
Have done it in the past year 1
Have done it in the more distant past 2
Have not done it but might do it 3
Have not done it and would never do it 4
Can’t choose 5


Here are some different forms of political and social action that people can take. Please indicate, for each one,whether you have done any of these things in the past year,whether you have done it in the more distant past,whether you have not done i


Distribution of values for A5C

Distribution of values for A5C

52 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss
A5C Here are some different forms of political and social action that people can take. Please indicate, for each one,whether you have done any of these things in the past year,whether you have done it in the more distant past,whether you have not done i numeric 52 0.9637631 1 3 5 3.133767 0.909928 ▁▃▇▇▁ F1.0

Value labels

Response choices
name value
Have done it in the past year 1
Have done it in the more distant past 2
Have not done it but might do it 3
Have not done it and would never do it 4
Can’t choose 5


Here are some different forms of political and social action that people can take. Please indicate, for each one,whether you have done any of these things in the past year,whether you have done it in the more distant past,whether you have not done i


Distribution of values for A5D

Distribution of values for A5D

52 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss
A5D Here are some different forms of political and social action that people can take. Please indicate, for each one,whether you have done any of these things in the past year,whether you have done it in the more distant past,whether you have not done i numeric 52 0.9637631 1 3 5 3.151121 0.9292699 ▁▃▇▇▁ F1.0

Value labels

Response choices
name value
Have done it in the past year 1
Have done it in the more distant past 2
Have not done it but might do it 3
Have not done it and would never do it 4
Can’t choose 5


Here are some different forms of political and social action that people can take. Please indicate, for each one,whether you have done any of these things in the past year,whether you have done it in the more distant past,whether you have not done i


Distribution of values for A5E

Distribution of values for A5E

56 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss
A5E Here are some different forms of political and social action that people can take. Please indicate, for each one,whether you have done any of these things in the past year,whether you have done it in the more distant past,whether you have not done i numeric 56 0.9609756 1 3 5 2.715011 1.004706 ▃▅▇▅▁ F1.0

Value labels

Response choices
name value
Have done it in the past year 1
Have done it in the more distant past 2
Have not done it but might do it 3
Have not done it and would never do it 4
Can’t choose 5


Here are some different forms of political and social action that people can take. Please indicate, for each one,whether you have done any of these things in the past year,whether you have done it in the more distant past,whether you have not done i


Distribution of values for A5F

Distribution of values for A5F

53 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss
A5F Here are some different forms of political and social action that people can take. Please indicate, for each one,whether you have done any of these things in the past year,whether you have done it in the more distant past,whether you have not done i numeric 53 0.9630662 1 3 5 2.839363 1.193859 ▅▃▅▇▁ F1.0

Value labels

Response choices
name value
Have done it in the past year 1
Have done it in the more distant past 2
Have not done it but might do it 3
Have not done it and would never do it 4
Can’t choose 5


Here are some different forms of political and social action that people can take. Please indicate, for each one,whether you have done any of these things in the past year,whether you have done it in the more distant past,whether you have not done i


Distribution of values for A5G

Distribution of values for A5G

49 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss
A5G Here are some different forms of political and social action that people can take. Please indicate, for each one,whether you have done any of these things in the past year,whether you have done it in the more distant past,whether you have not done i numeric 49 0.9658537 1 4 5 3.329726 0.8438845 ▁▂▆▇▁ F1.0

Value labels

Response choices
name value
Have done it in the past year 1
Have done it in the more distant past 2
Have not done it but might do it 3
Have not done it and would never do it 4
Can’t choose 5


Here are some different forms of political and social action that people can take. Please indicate, for each one,whether you have done any of these things in the past year,whether you have done it in the more distant past,whether you have not done i


Distribution of values for A5H

Distribution of values for A5H

55 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss
A5H Here are some different forms of political and social action that people can take. Please indicate, for each one,whether you have done any of these things in the past year,whether you have done it in the more distant past,whether you have not done i numeric 55 0.9616725 1 4 5 3.271015 1.061093 ▂▁▃▇▁ F1.0

Value labels

Response choices
name value
Have done it in the past year 1
Have done it in the more distant past 2
Have not done it but might do it 3
Have not done it and would never do it 4
Can’t choose 5


How often do you use the media, including television, newspapers, radio and the internet, to get political news or information? :


Distribution of values for A6

Distribution of values for A6

44 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss
A6 How often do you use the media, including television, newspapers, radio and the internet, to get political news or information? : numeric 44 0.969338 1 2 8 2.566499 1.931861 ▇▁▁▁▁ F1.0

Value labels

Response choices
name value
Several times a day 1
Once a day 2
5-6 days a week 3
3-4 days a week 4
1-2 days a week 5
Less than 1 day a week 6
Never 7
Can’t choose 8


On average, about how many people do you have contact with in a typical week day, including people you live with. :


Distribution of values for A7

Distribution of values for A7

38 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss
A7 On average, about how many people do you have contact with in a typical week day, including people you live with. : numeric 38 0.9735192 1 3 6 2.807444 1.328334 ▇▅▃▂▁ F1.0

Value labels

Response choices
name value
0-4 persons 1
5-9 2
10-19 3
20-49 4
50 or more 5
Can’t choose 6


People sometimes belong to different kinds of groups or associations.  For each type of group, please indicate whether you, belong and actively participate, belong but don’t actively participate, used to belong but do not any more, or have never b


Distribution of values for A8A

Distribution of values for A8A

78 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss
A8A People sometimes belong to different kinds of groups or associations.  For each type of group, please indicate whether you, belong and actively participate, belong but don’t actively participate, used to belong but do not any more, or have never b numeric 78 0.9456446 1 4 5 3.817244 0.5777822 ▁▁▁▇▁ F1.0

Value labels

Response choices
name value
Belong and actively participate 1
Belong but don’t participate 2
Used to belong 3
Never belonged 4
Can’t Choose 5


People sometimes belong to different kinds of groups or associations.  For each type of group, please indicate whether you, belong and actively participate, belong but don’t actively participate, used to belong but do not any more, or have never b


Distribution of values for A8B

Distribution of values for A8B

84 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss
A8B People sometimes belong to different kinds of groups or associations.  For each type of group, please indicate whether you, belong and actively participate, belong but don’t actively participate, used to belong but do not any more, or have never b numeric 84 0.9414634 1 3 5 2.973353 0.9794332 ▂▅▇▇▁ F1.0

Value labels

Response choices
name value
Belong and actively participate 1
Belong but don’t participate 2
Used to belong 3
Never belonged 4
Can’t Choose 5


People sometimes belong to different kinds of groups or associations.  For each type of group, please indicate whether you, belong and actively participate, belong but don’t actively participate, used to belong but do not any more, or have never b


Distribution of values for A8C

Distribution of values for A8C

71 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss
A8C People sometimes belong to different kinds of groups or associations.  For each type of group, please indicate whether you, belong and actively participate, belong but don’t actively participate, used to belong but do not any more, or have never b numeric 71 0.9505226 1 3 5 2.928152 1.126926 ▃▃▅▇▁ F1.0

Value labels

Response choices
name value
Belong and actively participate 1
Belong but don’t participate 2
Used to belong 3
Never belonged 4
Can’t Choose 5


People sometimes belong to different kinds of groups or associations.  For each type of group, please indicate whether you, belong and actively participate, belong but don’t actively participate, used to belong but do not any more, or have never b


Distribution of values for A8D

Distribution of values for A8D

66 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss
A8D People sometimes belong to different kinds of groups or associations.  For each type of group, please indicate whether you, belong and actively participate, belong but don’t actively participate, used to belong but do not any more, or have never b numeric 66 0.954007 1 3 5 2.411249 1.173373 ▇▂▇▃▁ F1.0

Value labels

Response choices
name value
Belong and actively participate 1
Belong but don’t participate 2
Used to belong 3
Never belonged 4
Can’t Choose 5


People sometimes belong to different kinds of groups or associations.  For each type of group, please indicate whether you, belong and actively participate, belong but don’t actively participate, used to belong but do not any more, or have never b


Distribution of values for A8E

Distribution of values for A8E

97 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss
A8E People sometimes belong to different kinds of groups or associations.  For each type of group, please indicate whether you, belong and actively participate, belong but don’t actively participate, used to belong but do not any more, or have never b numeric 97 0.9324042 1 3 5 2.958894 1.201078 ▅▁▇▇▁ F1.0

Value labels

Response choices
name value
Belong and actively participate 1
Belong but don’t participate 2
Used to belong 3
Never belonged 4
Can’t Choose 5


There are different opinions about peoples rights in a democracy.  On a scale of 1 to 7, where 1 is not at all important and 7 is very important, how important is it: : That all citizens have an adequate standard of living


Distribution of values for A9A

Distribution of values for A9A

52 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss
A9A There are different opinions about peoples rights in a democracy.  On a scale of 1 to 7, where 1 is not at all important and 7 is very important, how important is it: : That all citizens have an adequate standard of living numeric 52 0.9637631 1 7 8 6.511208 1.0049 ▁▁▁▂▇ F1.0

Value labels

Response choices
name value
Not at all Important 1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
6 6
Very Important 7 7
Cant Choose 8


There are different opinions about peoples rights in a democracy.  On a scale of 1 to 7, where 1 is not at all important and 7 is very important, how important is it: : That government authorities respect and protect the rights of minorities


Distribution of values for A9B

Distribution of values for A9B

57 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss
A9B There are different opinions about peoples rights in a democracy.  On a scale of 1 to 7, where 1 is not at all important and 7 is very important, how important is it: : That government authorities respect and protect the rights of minorities numeric 57 0.9602787 1 7 8 6.108853 1.415669 ▁▁▂▂▇ F1.0

Value labels

Response choices
name value
Not at all Important 1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
6 6
Very Important 7 7
Cant Choose 8


There are different opinions about peoples rights in a democracy.  On a scale of 1 to 7, where 1 is not at all important and 7 is very important, how important is it: : That people be given more opportunities to participate in public decision-makin


Distribution of values for A9C

Distribution of values for A9C

58 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss
A9C There are different opinions about peoples rights in a democracy.  On a scale of 1 to 7, where 1 is not at all important and 7 is very important, how important is it: : That people be given more opportunities to participate in public decision-makin numeric 58 0.9595819 1 6 8 5.827887 1.407571 ▁▁▅▅▇ F1.0

Value labels

Response choices
name value
Not at all Important 1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
6 6
Very Important 7 7
Cant Choose 8


There are different opinions about peoples rights in a democracy.  On a scale of 1 to 7, where 1 is not at all important and 7 is very important, how important is it: : That citizens may engage in acts of civil disobedience when they oppose governm


Distribution of values for A9D

Distribution of values for A9D

80 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss
A9D There are different opinions about peoples rights in a democracy.  On a scale of 1 to 7, where 1 is not at all important and 7 is very important, how important is it: : That citizens may engage in acts of civil disobedience when they oppose governm numeric 80 0.9442509 1 4 8 3.942435 2.303024 ▇▂▆▂▅ F1.0

Value labels

Response choices
name value
Not at all Important 1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
6 6
Very Important 7 7
Cant Choose 8


There are different opinions about peoples rights in a democracy.  On a scale of 1 to 7, where 1 is not at all important and 7 is very important, how important is it: : That governments respect democratic rights whatever the circumstances


Distribution of values for A9E

Distribution of values for A9E

61 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss
A9E There are different opinions about peoples rights in a democracy.  On a scale of 1 to 7, where 1 is not at all important and 7 is very important, how important is it: : That governments respect democratic rights whatever the circumstances numeric 61 0.9574913 1 6 8 5.913392 1.487186 ▁▁▃▃▇ F1.0

Value labels

Response choices
name value
Not at all Important 1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
6 6
Very Important 7 7
Cant Choose 8


There are different opinions about peoples rights in a democracy.  On a scale of 1 to 7, where 1 is not at all important and 7 is very important, how important is it: : That people convicted of serious crimes lose their citizen rights


Distribution of values for A9F

Distribution of values for A9F

58 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss
A9F There are different opinions about peoples rights in a democracy.  On a scale of 1 to 7, where 1 is not at all important and 7 is very important, how important is it: : That people convicted of serious crimes lose their citizen rights numeric 58 0.9595819 1 7 8 5.724764 1.9056 ▂▁▂▂▇ F1.0

Value labels

Response choices
name value
Not at all Important 1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
6 6
Very Important 7 7
Cant Choose 8


There are different opinions about peoples rights in a democracy.  On a scale of 1 to 7, where 1 is not at all important and 7 is very important, how important is it: : That long-term residents of a country, who are not citizens, have the right to


Distribution of values for A9G

Distribution of values for A9G

60 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss
A9G There are different opinions about peoples rights in a democracy.  On a scale of 1 to 7, where 1 is not at all important and 7 is very important, how important is it: : That long-term residents of a country, who are not citizens, have the right to numeric 60 0.9581882 1 3 8 3.612364 2.411217 ▇▁▃▂▃ F1.0

Value labels

Response choices
name value
Not at all Important 1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
6 6
Very Important 7 7
Cant Choose 8


There are different opinions about peoples rights in a democracy.  On a scale of 1 to 7, where 1 is not at all important and 7 is very important, how important is it: : That citizens have the right NOT to vote


Distribution of values for A9H

Distribution of values for A9H

67 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss
A9H There are different opinions about peoples rights in a democracy.  On a scale of 1 to 7, where 1 is not at all important and 7 is very important, how important is it: : That citizens have the right NOT to vote numeric 67 0.9533101 1 4 8 4.027778 2.535908 ▇▁▃▂▆ F1.0

Value labels

Response choices
name value
Not at all Important 1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
6 6
Very Important 7 7
Cant Choose 8


There are different opinions about peoples rights in a democracy.  On a scale of 1 to 7, where 1 is not at all important and 7 is very important, how important is it: : That health care be provided for everyone


Distribution of values for A9I

Distribution of values for A9I

51 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss
A9I There are different opinions about peoples rights in a democracy.  On a scale of 1 to 7, where 1 is not at all important and 7 is very important, how important is it: : That health care be provided for everyone numeric 51 0.9644599 1 7 8 6.536127 1.107456 ▁▁▁▁▇ F1.0

Value labels

Response choices
name value
Not at all Important 1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
6 6
Very Important 7 7
Cant Choose 8


To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements? : People like me don’t have any say about what the government does


Distribution of values for A10A

Distribution of values for A10A

52 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss
A10A To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements? : People like me don’t have any say about what the government does numeric 52 0.9637631 1 3 6 2.896602 1.301289 ▇▃▅▂▁ F1.0

Value labels

Response choices
name value
Strongly Agree 1
Agree 2
Neither Agree nor Disagree 3
Disagree 4
Strongly Disagree 5
Can’t Choose 6


To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements? : I don’t think the government cares much what people like me think


Distribution of values for A10B

Distribution of values for A10B

50 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss
A10B To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements? : I don’t think the government cares much what people like me think numeric 50 0.9651568 1 2 6 2.632491 1.234715 ▇▂▃▁▁ F1.0

Value labels

Response choices
name value
Strongly Agree 1
Agree 2
Neither Agree nor Disagree 3
Disagree 4
Strongly Disagree 5
Can’t Choose 6


To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements? : I feel I have a pretty good understanding of the important political issues facing Australia


Distribution of values for A10C

Distribution of values for A10C

47 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss
A10C To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements? : I feel I have a pretty good understanding of the important political issues facing Australia numeric 47 0.9672474 1 2 6 2.287464 1.059955 ▇▂▁▁▁ F1.0

Value labels

Response choices
name value
Strongly Agree 1
Agree 2
Neither Agree nor Disagree 3
Disagree 4
Strongly Disagree 5
Can’t Choose 6


To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements? : I think most people in Australia are better informed about politics and government than I am


Distribution of values for A10D

Distribution of values for A10D

52 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss
A10D To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements? : I think most people in Australia are better informed about politics and government than I am numeric 52 0.9637631 1 4 6 3.686913 0.9874147 ▂▆▇▃▁ F1.0

Value labels

Response choices
name value
Strongly Agree 1
Agree 2
Neither Agree nor Disagree 3
Disagree 4
Strongly Disagree 5
Can’t Choose 6


Suppose a law were being considered by federal parliament that you considered to be unjust or harmful. If such a case arose, how likely is it that you, acting alone or together with others, would be able to try to do something about it? :


Distribution of values for A11

Distribution of values for A11

42 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss
A11 Suppose a law were being considered by federal parliament that you considered to be unjust or harmful. If such a case arose, how likely is it that you, acting alone or together with others, would be able to try to do something about it? : numeric 42 0.9707317 1 3 5 2.639627 1.021005 ▃▆▇▃▁ F1.0

Value labels

Response choices
name value
Very likely 1
Fairly likely 2
Not very likely 3
Not at all likely 4
Can’t choose 5


If you made such an effort, how likely is it that federal parliament would give serious attention to your demands?   :


Distribution of values for A12

Distribution of values for A12

43 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss
A12 If you made such an effort, how likely is it that federal parliament would give serious attention to your demands?   : numeric 43 0.9700348 1 3 5 3.186782 0.8442459 ▁▂▇▅▁ F1.0

Value labels

Response choices
name value
Very likely 1
Fairly likely 2
Not very likely 3
Not at all likely 4
Can’t choose 5


How interested would you say you personally are in politics? :


Distribution of values for A13

Distribution of values for A13

31 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss
A13 How interested would you say you personally are in politics? : numeric 31 0.9783972 1 2 5 2.340456 0.8803154 ▃▇▅▂▁ F1.0

Value labels

Response choices
name value
Very interested 1
Fairly interested 2
Not very interested 3
Not at all interested 4
Can’t choose 5


In politics people sometimes talk of left and right. Where would you place yourself on a scale from 0 to 10 where 0 means the left and 10 means the right?   :


Distribution of values for A14

Distribution of values for A14

70 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss
A14 In politics people sometimes talk of left and right. Where would you place yourself on a scale from 0 to 10 where 0 means the left and 10 means the right?   : numeric 70 0.9512195 0 6 11 6.403663 3.137441 ▃▃▇▅▇ F2.0

Value labels

Response choices
name value
Left 0 0
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
6 6
7 7
8 8
9 9
Right 10 10
Cant choose 11


To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements? : Most of the time we can trust people in government to do what is right


Distribution of values for A15A

Distribution of values for A15A

45 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss
A15A To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements? : Most of the time we can trust people in government to do what is right numeric 45 0.9686411 1 3 6 3.077698 1.128723 ▇▅▅▂▁ F1.0

Value labels

Response choices
name value
Strongly Agree 1
Agree 2
Neither Agree nor Disagree 3
Disagree 4
Strongly Disagree 5
Can’t Choose 6


To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements? : Most politicians are in politics only for what they can get out of it personally


Distribution of values for A15B

Distribution of values for A15B

44 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss
A15B To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements? : Most politicians are in politics only for what they can get out of it personally numeric 44 0.969338 1 3 6 2.751258 1.202496 ▇▅▅▁▁ F1.0

Value labels

Response choices
name value
Strongly Agree 1
Agree 2
Neither Agree nor Disagree 3
Disagree 4
Strongly Disagree 5
Can’t Choose 6


How often do you think that people would try to take advantage of you if they got the chance, and how often would they try to be fair?   :


Distribution of values for A16

Distribution of values for A16

38 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss
A16 How often do you think that people would try to take advantage of you if they got the chance, and how often would they try to be fair?   : numeric 38 0.9735192 1 3 5 2.941303 0.8873461 ▁▃▇▁▁ F1.0

Value labels

Response choices
name value
Try to take advantage almost all of the time 1
Try to take advantage most of the time 2
Try to be fair most of the time 3
Try to be fair almost all of the time 4
Can’t Choose 5


Generally speaking, would you say that people can be trusted or that you can’t be too careful in dealing with people? :


Distribution of values for A17

Distribution of values for A17

39 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss
A17 Generally speaking, would you say that people can be trusted or that you can’t be too careful in dealing with people? : numeric 39 0.9728223 1 2 5 2.487106 0.7509936 ▁▇▅▁▁ F1.0

Value labels

Response choices
name value
People can almost always be trusted 1
People can usually be trusted 2
You usually can’t be too careful in dealing with people 3
You almost always can’t be too careful in dealing with people 4
Can’t Choose 5


When you get together with your friends, relatives or fellow workers, how often do you discuss politics? :


Distribution of values for A18

Distribution of values for A18

37 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss
A18 When you get together with your friends, relatives or fellow workers, how often do you discuss politics? : numeric 37 0.974216 1 2 5 2.329042 0.8580917 ▃▇▅▂▁ F1.0

Value labels

Response choices
name value
Often 1
Sometimes 2
Rarely 3
Never 4
Can’t choose 5


When you hold a strong opinion about politics, how often do you try to persuade your friends, relatives or fellow workers to share your views? :


Distribution of values for A19

Distribution of values for A19

41 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss
A19 When you hold a strong opinion about politics, how often do you try to persuade your friends, relatives or fellow workers to share your views? : numeric 41 0.9714286 1 3 5 2.954089 0.9121741 ▁▆▇▆▁ F1.0

Value labels

Response choices
name value
Often 1
Sometimes 2
Rarely 3
Never 4
Can’t choose 5


Thinking now about politics in Australia, to what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements? : Political parties encourage people to become active in politics


Distribution of values for A201

Distribution of values for A201

75 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss
A201 Thinking now about politics in Australia, to what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements? : Political parties encourage people to become active in politics numeric 75 0.9477352 1 3 6 3.431618 1.053967 ▅▇▇▂▁ F1.0

Value labels

Response choices
name value
Strongly Agree 1
Agree 2
Neither Agree nor Disagree 3
Disagree 4
Strongly Disagree 5
Can’t Choose 6


Thinking now about politics in Australia, to what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements? : Political parties do not give voters real policy choices


Distribution of values for A202

Distribution of values for A202

65 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss
A202 Thinking now about politics in Australia, to what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements? : Political parties do not give voters real policy choices numeric 65 0.9547038 1 2 6 2.545256 1.157973 ▇▃▂▁▁ F1.0

Value labels

Response choices
name value
Strongly Agree 1
Agree 2
Neither Agree nor Disagree 3
Disagree 4
Strongly Disagree 5
Can’t Choose 6


Thinking now about politics in Australia, to what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements? : Referendums are a good way to decide important political questions.


Distribution of values for A203

Distribution of values for A203

52 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss
A203 Thinking now about politics in Australia, to what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements? : Referendums are a good way to decide important political questions. numeric 52 0.9637631 1 2 6 2.385394 1.267307 ▇▂▁▁▁ F1.0

Value labels

Response choices
name value
Strongly Agree 1
Agree 2
Neither Agree nor Disagree 3
Disagree 4
Strongly Disagree 5
Can’t Choose 6


Thinking of the last national election in Australia, how honest was it regarding the counting and reporting of the votes?   :


Distribution of values for A21

Distribution of values for A21

45 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss
A21 Thinking of the last national election in Australia, how honest was it regarding the counting and reporting of the votes?   : numeric 45 0.9686411 1 2 6 2.556115 1.683598 ▇▂▁▁▂ F1.0

Value labels

Response choices
name value
Very honest 1
Somewhat honest 2
Neither honest nor dishonest 3
Somewhat dishonest 4
Very dishonest 5
Can’t choose 6


Thinking of the last national election in Australia, how fair was it regarding the opportunities of the candidates and parties to campaign? :


Distribution of values for A22

Distribution of values for A22

48 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss
A22 Thinking of the last national election in Australia, how fair was it regarding the opportunities of the candidates and parties to campaign? : numeric 48 0.9665505 1 2 6 2.652487 1.651991 ▇▂▁▁▂ F1.0

Value labels

Response choices
name value
Very fair 1
Somewhat fair 2
Neither fair nor unfair 3
Somewhat unfair 4
Very unfair 5
Can’t choose 6


Thinking of the public service in Australia, how committed is it to serve the people? :


Distribution of values for A23

Distribution of values for A23

43 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss
A23 Thinking of the public service in Australia, how committed is it to serve the people? : numeric 43 0.9700348 1 2 5 2.313218 0.9650383 ▂▇▃▁▁ F1.0

Value labels

Response choices
name value
Very committed 1
Somewhat committed 2
Not very committed 3
Not at all committed 4
Can’t choose 5


How widespread do you think corruption is in the public service in Australia? :


Distribution of values for A24

Distribution of values for A24

47 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss
A24 How widespread do you think corruption is in the public service in Australia? : numeric 47 0.9672474 1 2 6 2.824928 1.235283 ▇▅▂▁▁ F1.0

Value labels

Response choices
name value
Hardly anyone is involved 1
A small number of people are involved 2
A moderate number of people are involved 3
A lot of people are involved 4
Almost everyone is involved 5
Can’t choose 6


On the whole, on a scale of 0 to 10 where 0 is very poorly and 10 is very well. : How well does democracy work in Australia today?


Distribution of values for A25A

Distribution of values for A25A

54 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss
A25A On the whole, on a scale of 0 to 10 where 0 is very poorly and 10 is very well. : How well does democracy work in Australia today? numeric 54 0.9623693 0 8 11 7.205648 2.29959 ▁▁▃▇▆ F2.0

Value labels

Response choices
name value
Very Poorly0 0
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
6 6
7 7
8 8
9 9
Very Well 10 10
Cant choose 11


On the whole, on a scale of 0 to 10 where 0 is very poorly and 10 is very well. : And what about 10 years ago? How well did democracy work in Australia then?


Distribution of values for A25B

Distribution of values for A25B

61 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss
A25B On the whole, on a scale of 0 to 10 where 0 is very poorly and 10 is very well. : And what about 10 years ago? How well did democracy work in Australia then? numeric 61 0.9574913 0 8 11 7.832605 2.3029 ▁▁▃▇▇ F2.0

Value labels

Response choices
name value
Very Poorly0 0
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
6 6
7 7
8 8
9 9
Very Well 10 10
Cant choose 11


On the whole, on a scale of 0 to 10 where 0 is very poorly and 10 is very well. : And how about 10 years from now? How well do you think democracy will work in Australia then?


Distribution of values for A25C

Distribution of values for A25C

66 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss
A25C On the whole, on a scale of 0 to 10 where 0 is very poorly and 10 is very well. : And how about 10 years from now? How well do you think democracy will work in Australia then? numeric 66 0.954007 0 7 11 7.051863 3.088523 ▂▂▅▆▇ F2.0

Value labels

Response choices
name value
Very Poorly0 0
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
6 6
7 7
8 8
9 9
Very Well 10 10
Cant choose 11


On average, how often do you: : Read the political content of a newspaper


Distribution of values for A26A

Distribution of values for A26A

47 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss
A26A On average, how often do you: : Read the political content of a newspaper numeric 47 0.9672474 1 5 8 4.75 1.926974 ▇▂▇▇▆ F1.0

Value labels

Response choices
name value
Several times a day 1
Once a day 2
5-6 days a week 3
3-4 days a week 4
1-2 days a week 5
Less than 1 day a week 6
Never 7
Can’t choose 8


On average, how often do you: : Watch political news on television


Distribution of values for A26B

Distribution of values for A26B

50 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss
A26B On average, how often do you: : Watch political news on television numeric 50 0.9651568 1 4 8 3.78556 1.960099 ▇▂▆▃▂ F1.0

Value labels

Response choices
name value
Several times a day 1
Once a day 2
5-6 days a week 3
3-4 days a week 4
1-2 days a week 5
Less than 1 day a week 6
Never 7
Can’t choose 8


On average, how often do you: : Listen to political news on the radio


Distribution of values for A26C

Distribution of values for A26C

48 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss
A26C On average, how often do you: : Listen to political news on the radio numeric 48 0.9665505 1 6 8 4.790195 2.181509 ▆▂▅▅▇ F1.0

Value labels

Response choices
name value
Several times a day 1
Once a day 2
5-6 days a week 3
3-4 days a week 4
1-2 days a week 5
Less than 1 day a week 6
Never 7
Can’t choose 8


On average, how often do you: : Use the Internet to get political news or information


Distribution of values for A26D

Distribution of values for A26D

52 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss
A26D On average, how often do you: : Use the Internet to get political news or information numeric 52 0.9637631 1 6 8 5.313087 2.122417 ▃▁▂▃▇ F1.0

Value labels

Response choices
name value
Several times a day 1
Once a day 2
5-6 days a week 3
3-4 days a week 4
1-2 days a week 5
Less than 1 day a week 6
Never 7
Can’t choose 8


How much do you feel you understand about climate change - would you say a great deal, a moderate amount, only a little, or nothing at all? :


Distribution of values for B1

Distribution of values for B1

37 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss
B1 How much do you feel you understand about climate change - would you say a great deal, a moderate amount, only a little, or nothing at all? : numeric 37 0.974216 1 2 4 2.104435 0.7222571 ▃▇▁▃▁ F1.0

Value labels

Response choices
name value
A great deal 1
A moderate amount 2
Only a little 3
Nothing at all 4


Which of the following statements do you personally believe? :


Distribution of values for B2

Distribution of values for B2

55 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss
B2 Which of the following statements do you personally believe? : numeric 55 0.9616725 1 1 4 1.573913 0.865695 ▇▃▁▁▁ F1.0

Value labels

Response choices
name value
Climate change is happening now, and is caused mainly by human activities 1
Climate change is happening now, but is caused mainly by natural forces 2
Climate change is not happening now 3
I dont know whether climate change is happening or not 4


How serious a threat do you think climate change will pose to you or your way of life in your lifetime? :


Distribution of values for B3

Distribution of values for B3

45 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss
B3 How serious a threat do you think climate change will pose to you or your way of life in your lifetime? : numeric 45 0.9686411 1 2 4 2.336691 0.9005353 ▅▇▁▇▂ F1.0

Value labels

Response choices
name value
Very serious 1
Fairly serious 2
Not very serious 3
Not at all serious 4


How about people born in 2014? How serious a threat do you think climate change will pose to them or their way of life during their lifetime? :


Distribution of values for B4

Distribution of values for B4

53 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss
B4 How about people born in 2014? How serious a threat do you think climate change will pose to them or their way of life during their lifetime? : numeric 53 0.9630662 1 2 4 1.850941 0.8815815 ▇▆▁▃▁ F1.0

Value labels

Response choices
name value
Very serious 1
Fairly serious 2
Not very serious 3
Not at all serious 4


Which of the following statements do you think is more accurate? :


Distribution of values for B5

Distribution of values for B5

69 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss
B5 Which of the following statements do you think is more accurate? : numeric 69 0.9519164 1 1 2 1.334553 0.4720069 ▇▁▁▁▅ F1.0

Value labels

Response choices
name value
Most scientists agree that climate change is happening now, caused mainly by human activities. 1
There is little agreement among scientists that climate change is happening now, caused mainly by human activities. 2


On a scale of 1 to 7, where 1 is not at all important and 7 is very important… : How important to you is being an Australian citizen or resident?


Distribution of values for C1A

Distribution of values for C1A

62 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss
C1A On a scale of 1 to 7, where 1 is not at all important and 7 is very important… : How important to you is being an Australian citizen or resident? numeric 62 0.9567944 1 7 8 6.72032 0.8658584 ▁▁▁▁▇ F1.0

Value labels

Response choices
name value
Not at all important 1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
6 6
Very important 7 7
Cant choose 8


On a scale of 1 to 7, where 1 is not at all important and 7 is very important… : How important do you think the Anzac heritage is for Australia’s national identity?


Distribution of values for C1B

Distribution of values for C1B

65 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss
C1B On a scale of 1 to 7, where 1 is not at all important and 7 is very important… : How important do you think the Anzac heritage is for Australia’s national identity? numeric 65 0.9547038 1 7 8 6.121898 1.468103 ▁▁▂▂▇ F1.0

Value labels

Response choices
name value
Not at all important 1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
6 6
Very important 7 7
Cant choose 8


On a scale of 1 to 7, where 1 is not at all important and 7 is very important… : How important is the Anzac heritage to your own sense of what it means to be Australian?


Distribution of values for C1C

Distribution of values for C1C

69 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss
C1C On a scale of 1 to 7, where 1 is not at all important and 7 is very important… : How important is the Anzac heritage to your own sense of what it means to be Australian? numeric 69 0.9519164 1 7 8 5.753294 1.820087 ▂▁▂▂▇ F1.0

Value labels

Response choices
name value
Not at all important 1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
6 6
Very important 7 7
Cant choose 8


To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements? : The Australia that you know and love isn’t changing too fast, and will never change.


Distribution of values for C2A

Distribution of values for C2A

88 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss
C2A To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements? : The Australia that you know and love isn’t changing too fast, and will never change. numeric 88 0.938676 1 3 4 2.982925 0.6465173 ▁▂▁▇▂ F1.0

Value labels

Response choices
name value
Strongly agree 1
Agree 2
Disagree 3
Strongly disagree 4


To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements? : There are forces in Australian society that may be changing the country for the worse.


Distribution of values for C2B

Distribution of values for C2B

85 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss
C2B To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements? : There are forces in Australian society that may be changing the country for the worse. numeric 85 0.9407666 1 2 4 1.902222 0.7063691 ▃▇▁▂▁ F1.0

Value labels

Response choices
name value
Strongly agree 1
Agree 2
Disagree 3
Strongly disagree 4


To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements? : Most people in Australia dont realise how much our lives are controlled by plots hatched in secret places.


Distribution of values for C2C

Distribution of values for C2C

122 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss
C2C To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements? : Most people in Australia dont realise how much our lives are controlled by plots hatched in secret places. numeric 122 0.9149826 1 2 4 2.522468 0.8298854 ▂▇▁▇▂ F1.0

Value labels

Response choices
name value
Strongly agree 1
Agree 2
Disagree 3
Strongly disagree 4


To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements? : The people that really run Australia are known to everyone.


Distribution of values for C2D

Distribution of values for C2D

104 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss
C2D To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements? : The people that really run Australia are known to everyone. numeric 104 0.9275261 1 3 4 2.694215 0.6503588 ▁▅▁▇▁ F1.0

Value labels

Response choices
name value
Strongly agree 1
Agree 2
Disagree 3
Strongly disagree 4


To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements? : I often feel that the really important matters in Australia are decided by people we never even hear about.


Distribution of values for C2E

Distribution of values for C2E

107 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss
C2E To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements? : I often feel that the really important matters in Australia are decided by people we never even hear about. numeric 107 0.9254355 1 2 4 2.259789 0.689775 ▂▇▁▅▁ F1.0

Value labels

Response choices
name value
Strongly agree 1
Agree 2
Disagree 3
Strongly disagree 4


To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements? : No sooner do most foreign immigrants get here than they try to bring Australia down by refusing to abide by our laws.


Distribution of values for C2F

Distribution of values for C2F

91 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss
C2F To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements? : No sooner do most foreign immigrants get here than they try to bring Australia down by refusing to abide by our laws. numeric 91 0.9365854 1 3 4 2.410714 0.9729344 ▅▆▁▇▃ F1.0

Value labels

Response choices
name value
Strongly agree 1
Agree 2
Disagree 3
Strongly disagree 4


To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements? : The true Australian way if life is disappearing so fast that we may have to use force to save it.


Distribution of values for C2G

Distribution of values for C2G

99 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss
C2G To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements? : The true Australian way if life is disappearing so fast that we may have to use force to save it. numeric 99 0.9310105 1 3 4 2.640719 0.9383805 ▃▅▁▇▃ F1.0

Value labels

Response choices
name value
Strongly agree 1
Agree 2
Disagree 3
Strongly disagree 4


To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements? : Regardless of what some people say, racial background has no bearing on who can be a real Australian.


Distribution of values for C2H

Distribution of values for C2H

95 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss
C2H To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements? : Regardless of what some people say, racial background has no bearing on who can be a real Australian. numeric 95 0.9337979 1 2 4 2.019403 0.7974453 ▅▇▁▃▁ F1.0

Value labels

Response choices
name value
Strongly agree 1
Agree 2
Disagree 3
Strongly disagree 4


To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements? : I am afraid there isnt going to be as much freedom in Australia as time goes on.


Distribution of values for C2I

Distribution of values for C2I

87 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss
C2I To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements? : I am afraid there isnt going to be as much freedom in Australia as time goes on. numeric 87 0.9393728 1 2 4 2.27819 0.8149853 ▃▇▁▆▁ F1.0

Value labels

Response choices
name value
Strongly agree 1
Agree 2
Disagree 3
Strongly disagree 4


How much confidence do you have in the following organisations? : The defence forces


Distribution of values for C3A

Distribution of values for C3A

73 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss
C3A How much confidence do you have in the following organisations? : The defence forces numeric 73 0.9491289 1 2 5 1.837739 0.8763109 ▆▇▂▁▁ F1.0

Value labels

Response choices
name value
A great deal of confidence 1
Quite a lot of confidence 2
Not very much confidence 3
No confidence at all 4
Cant choose 5


How much confidence do you have in the following organisations? : The Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC)


Distribution of values for C3B

Distribution of values for C3B

80 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss
C3B How much confidence do you have in the following organisations? : The Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) numeric 80 0.9442509 1 2 5 2.259779 1.098057 ▅▇▃▂▁ F1.0

Value labels

Response choices
name value
A great deal of confidence 1
Quite a lot of confidence 2
Not very much confidence 3
No confidence at all 4
Cant choose 5


How much confidence do you have in the following organisations? : The unions


Distribution of values for C3C

Distribution of values for C3C

80 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss
C3C How much confidence do you have in the following organisations? : The unions numeric 80 0.9442509 1 3 5 3.143173 0.9508701 ▁▅▇▆▁ F1.0

Value labels

Response choices
name value
A great deal of confidence 1
Quite a lot of confidence 2
Not very much confidence 3
No confidence at all 4
Cant choose 5


How much confidence do you have in the following organisations? : The courts and the legal system


Distribution of values for C3D

Distribution of values for C3D

74 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss
C3D How much confidence do you have in the following organisations? : The courts and the legal system numeric 74 0.9484321 1 2 5 2.523145 0.9257433 ▂▇▇▂▁ F1.0

Value labels

Response choices
name value
A great deal of confidence 1
Quite a lot of confidence 2
Not very much confidence 3
No confidence at all 4
Cant choose 5


How much confidence do you have in the following organisations? : The Federal parliament


Distribution of values for C3E

Distribution of values for C3E

74 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss
C3E How much confidence do you have in the following organisations? : The Federal parliament numeric 74 0.9484321 1 3 5 2.734019 0.8868794 ▁▆▇▂▁ F1.0

Value labels

Response choices
name value
A great deal of confidence 1
Quite a lot of confidence 2
Not very much confidence 3
No confidence at all 4
Cant choose 5


How much confidence do you have in the following organisations? : The public service


Distribution of values for C3F

Distribution of values for C3F

77 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss
C3F How much confidence do you have in the following organisations? : The public service numeric 77 0.9463415 1 3 5 2.634021 0.8725353 ▁▇▇▂▁ F1.0

Value labels

Response choices
name value
A great deal of confidence 1
Quite a lot of confidence 2
Not very much confidence 3
No confidence at all 4
Cant choose 5


How much confidence do you have in the following organisations? : Major Australian companies


Distribution of values for C3G

Distribution of values for C3G

84 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss
C3G How much confidence do you have in the following organisations? : Major Australian companies numeric 84 0.9414634 1 3 5 2.737232 0.9066492 ▁▇▇▂▁ F1.0

Value labels

Response choices
name value
A great deal of confidence 1
Quite a lot of confidence 2
Not very much confidence 3
No confidence at all 4
Cant choose 5


How much confidence do you have in the following organisations? : Banks and financial institutions


Distribution of values for C3H

Distribution of values for C3H

78 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss
C3H How much confidence do you have in the following organisations? : Banks and financial institutions numeric 78 0.9456446 1 3 5 2.668386 0.8786109 ▁▇▇▃▁ F1.0

Value labels

Response choices
name value
A great deal of confidence 1
Quite a lot of confidence 2
Not very much confidence 3
No confidence at all 4
Cant choose 5


How much confidence do you have in the following organisations? : Churches or religious institutions


Distribution of values for C3I

Distribution of values for C3I

75 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss
C3I How much confidence do you have in the following organisations? : Churches or religious institutions numeric 75 0.9477352 1 3 5 2.983088 1.043079 ▂▆▇▆▂ F1.0

Value labels

Response choices
name value
A great deal of confidence 1
Quite a lot of confidence 2
Not very much confidence 3
No confidence at all 4
Cant choose 5


How much confidence do you have in the following organisations? : The police in my State or Territory


Distribution of values for C3J

Distribution of values for C3J

70 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss
C3J How much confidence do you have in the following organisations? : The police in my State or Territory numeric 70 0.9512195 1 2 5 2.072528 0.8095018 ▃▇▂▁▁ F1.0

Value labels

Response choices
name value
A great deal of confidence 1
Quite a lot of confidence 2
Not very much confidence 3
No confidence at all 4
Cant choose 5


How much confidence do you have in the following organisations? : Charities


Distribution of values for C3K

Distribution of values for C3K

75 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss
C3K How much confidence do you have in the following organisations? : Charities numeric 75 0.9477352 1 2 5 2.472059 0.9194722 ▂▇▅▂▁ F1.0

Value labels

Response choices
name value
A great deal of confidence 1
Quite a lot of confidence 2
Not very much confidence 3
No confidence at all 4
Cant choose 5


How much confidence do you have in the following organisations? : Universities


Distribution of values for C3L

Distribution of values for C3L

80 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss
C3L How much confidence do you have in the following organisations? : Universities numeric 80 0.9442509 1 2 5 2.335793 0.9731302 ▂▇▃▁▁ F1.0

Value labels

Response choices
name value
A great deal of confidence 1
Quite a lot of confidence 2
Not very much confidence 3
No confidence at all 4
Cant choose 5


How much confidence do you have in the following organisations? : Australias social welfare system


Distribution of values for C3M

Distribution of values for C3M

75 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss
C3M How much confidence do you have in the following organisations? : Australias social welfare system numeric 75 0.9477352 1 3 5 2.755147 0.9244707 ▁▇▇▃▁ F1.0

Value labels

Response choices
name value
A great deal of confidence 1
Quite a lot of confidence 2
Not very much confidence 3
No confidence at all 4
Cant choose 5


Which one of the following sources of information would you say you rely on MOST for your news and information? :


Distribution of values for C4

Distribution of values for C4

118 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss
C4 Which one of the following sources of information would you say you rely on MOST for your news and information? : numeric 118 0.91777 1 2 8 2.974943 1.963221 ▇▁▃▂▁ F1.0

Value labels

Response choices
name value
ABC and/or SBS television 1
Commercial television 2
ABC and/or SBS radio 3
Commercial radio (including talkback) 4
Newspapers 5
Internet sites 6
News magazines 7
Friends and family 8


Thinking about Federal government in Australia these days, would you say it is run for a few big interests looking out for themselves, or that it is run for the benefit of all the people? :


Distribution of values for C5

Distribution of values for C5

31 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss
C5 Thinking about Federal government in Australia these days, would you say it is run for a few big interests looking out for themselves, or that it is run for the benefit of all the people? : numeric 31 0.9783972 1 3 5 2.524217 0.9272068 ▂▇▇▁▁ F1.0

Value labels

Response choices
name value
Entirely run for a few big interests 1
Mostly run for a few big interests 2
Mostly run for the benefit of all 3
Entirely run for the benefit of all 4
Cant choose 5


Thinking about the amount of power organisations have in Australia today, please say whether you think each of the following should have more power, less power or the same amount. : Big business


Distribution of values for C6A

Distribution of values for C6A

52 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss
C6A Thinking about the amount of power organisations have in Australia today, please say whether you think each of the following should have more power, less power or the same amount. : Big business numeric 52 0.9637631 1 4 6 3.762834 1.09868 ▂▇▇▅▁ F1.0

Value labels

Response choices
name value
A lot more power 1
A bit more power 2
Same amount of power 3
A bit less power 4
A lot less power 5
Cant choose 6


Thinking about the amount of power organisations have in Australia today, please say whether you think each of the following should have more power, less power or the same amount. : The Federal government


Distribution of values for C6B

Distribution of values for C6B

46 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss
C6B Thinking about the amount of power organisations have in Australia today, please say whether you think each of the following should have more power, less power or the same amount. : The Federal government numeric 46 0.9679443 1 3 6 2.964723 1.113602 ▅▇▂▁▁ F1.0

Value labels

Response choices
name value
A lot more power 1
A bit more power 2
Same amount of power 3
A bit less power 4
A lot less power 5
Cant choose 6


Thinking about the amount of power organisations have in Australia today, please say whether you think each of the following should have more power, less power or the same amount. : The mass media


Distribution of values for C6C

Distribution of values for C6C

54 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss
C6C Thinking about the amount of power organisations have in Australia today, please say whether you think each of the following should have more power, less power or the same amount. : The mass media numeric 54 0.9623693 1 4 6 3.845764 1.12744 ▂▆▇▇▁ F1.0

Value labels

Response choices
name value
A lot more power 1
A bit more power 2
Same amount of power 3
A bit less power 4
A lot less power 5
Cant choose 6


Thinking about the amount of power organisations have in Australia today, please say whether you think each of the following should have more power, less power or the same amount. : Unions


Distribution of values for C6D

Distribution of values for C6D

54 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss
C6D Thinking about the amount of power organisations have in Australia today, please say whether you think each of the following should have more power, less power or the same amount. : Unions numeric 54 0.9623693 1 4 6 3.86097 1.232209 ▃▆▅▇▁ F1.0

Value labels

Response choices
name value
A lot more power 1
A bit more power 2
Same amount of power 3
A bit less power 4
A lot less power 5
Cant choose 6


Are you … :


Distribution of values for D1

Distribution of values for D1

24 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss
D1 Are you … : numeric 24 0.9832753 1 2 2 1.545003 0.4981471 ▇▁▁▁▇ F1.0

Value labels

Response choices
name value
Male 1
Female 2


When were you born? : Year (YYYY)


Distribution of values for D2

Distribution of values for D2

80 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss
D2 When were you born? : Year (YYYY) numeric 80 0.9442509 1919 1957 1996 1958.56 16.52159 ▂▆▇▅▃ F4.0


What is the highest year of schooling you have completed? :


Distribution of values for D5

Distribution of values for D5

47 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss
D5 What is the highest year of schooling you have completed? : numeric 47 0.9672474 1 1 6 1.826369 1.022866 ▇▃▁▁▁ F1.0

Value labels

Response choices
name value
Year 12 or equivalent 1
Year 11 or equivalent 2
Year 10 or equivalent 3
Completed primary school 4
Completed pre-primary school 5
Did not go to school 6


What is the highest educational qualification you have completed outside of school? :


Distribution of values for D6

Distribution of values for D6

93 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss
D6 What is the highest educational qualification you have completed outside of school? : numeric 93 0.9351916 1 9 13 8.71237 3.514005 ▂▂▇▃▇ F2.0

Value labels

Response choices
name value
Doctorate by research 1
Doctorate by coursework 2
Masters Degree 3
Graduate Diploma 4
Graduate Certificate 5
Bachelor Degree 6
Advanced Diploma or Associate Degree 7
Diploma 8
Certificate IV 9
Certificate III 10
Certificate II 11
Certificate I 12
No post-school qualification 13


Which of the following sexual orientations do you identify with? :


Distribution of values for D7

Distribution of values for D7

63 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss
D7 Which of the following sexual orientations do you identify with? : numeric 63 0.9560976 1 1 5 1.171283 0.7320667 ▇▁▁▁▁ F1.0

Value labels

Response choices
name value
Straight (Heterosexual) 1
Gay/Lesbian 2
Bisexual 3
Other 4
Rather not answer 5


Are you currently working for pay, did you work for pay in the past, or have you never been in paid work? :


Distribution of values for D8

Distribution of values for D8

64 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss
D8 Are you currently working for pay, did you work for pay in the past, or have you never been in paid work? : numeric 64 0.9554007 1 1 3 1.417214 0.5149968 ▇▁▅▁▁ F1.0

Value labels

Response choices
name value
I am currently in paid work 1
I am currently not in paid work but I had paid work in the past 2
I have never had paid work 3


Do/did you work for a for-profit organisation or for a non-profit organisation? :


Distribution of values for D12

Distribution of values for D12

164 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss
D12 Do/did you work for a for-profit organisation or for a non-profit organisation? : numeric 164 0.8857143 1 1 2 1.278521 0.4484476 ▇▁▁▁▃ F1.0

Value labels

Response choices
name value
I work/ed for a for-profit organisation 1
I work/ed for a non-profit organisation 2


Do/did you work for a public or a private employer? :


Distribution of values for D13

Distribution of values for D13

163 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss
D13 Do/did you work for a public or a private employer? : numeric 163 0.8864111 1 2 2 1.643868 0.4790432 ▅▁▁▁▇ F1.0

Value labels

Response choices
name value
Public employer 1
Private employer 2


Code for group: ANZSCO2013v1.2 Level: 0


Distribution of values for D14ANZSCO1

Distribution of values for D14ANZSCO1

3 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss
D14ANZSCO1 Code for group: ANZSCO2013v1.2 Level: 0 numeric 3 0.9979094 0 3 8 3.189246 2.262586 ▆▇▂▆▂ F1.0

Value labels

Response choices
name value
Operational codes (Aus) 0
Managers 1
Professionals 2
Technicians and Trades Workers 3
Community and Personal Service Workers 4
Clerical and Administrative Workers 5
Sales Workers 6
Machinery Operators and Drivers 7
Labourers 8
Operational codes (NZ) 9


Code for D16: ANZSIC Level 0


Distribution of values for D16ANZSIC1

Distribution of values for D16ANZSIC1

1 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss
D16ANZSIC1 Code for D16: ANZSIC Level 0 numeric 1 0.9993031 1 15 21 12.68061 6.003821 ▅▅▃▇▆ F2.0

Value labels

Response choices
name value
Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing 1
Mining 2
Manufacturing 3
Electricity, Gas, Water and Waste Services 4
Construction 5
Wholesale Trade 6
Retail Trade 7
Accommodation and Food Services 8
Transport, Postal and Warehousing 9
Information Media and Telecommunications 10
Financial and Insurance Services 11
Rental, Hiring and Real Estate Services 12
Professional, Scientific and Technical Services 13
Administrative and Support Services 14
Public Administration and Safety 15
Education and Training 16
Health Care and Social Assistance 17
Arts and Recreation Services 18
Other Services 19
Blank 20
Not codeable 21


Which of the following best describes your current situation? :


Distribution of values for D17

Distribution of values for D17

74 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss
D17 Which of the following best describes your current situation? : numeric 74 0.9484321 1 1 9 3.072006 2.530831 ▇▁▁▅▁ F1.0

Value labels

Response choices
name value
In paid work (as an employee, self-employed, or working for your own family’s business) 1
Unemployed and looking for a job 2
In education (not paid for by employer), in school/student/pupil even if on vacation 3
Apprentice or trainee 4
Permanently sick or disabled 5
Retired 6
Doing housework, looking after the home, children or other persons 7
Other 9


Are you or have you ever been a member of a trade union or similar organisation?  If yes: is that currently or only previously? :


Distribution of values for D27

Distribution of values for D27

42 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss
D27 Are you or have you ever been a member of a trade union or similar organisation?  If yes: is that currently or only previously? : numeric 42 0.9707317 1 2 3 2.265614 0.7100079 ▃▁▇▁▇ F1.0

Value labels

Response choices
name value
Yes, currently 1
Yes, previously but not currently 2
No, never 3


Do you belong to a religion and, if yes, which religion do you belong to? :


Distribution of values for D28

Distribution of values for D28

62 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss
D28 Do you belong to a religion and, if yes, which religion do you belong to? : numeric 62 0.9567944 1 2 14 3.252003 3.100222 ▇▃▁▁▁ F2.0

Value labels

Response choices
name value
No religion 1
Catholic 2
Protestant 3
Anglican/Church of England 4
Uniting Church/Methodist 5
Pentecostal 6
Orthodox 7
Other Christian 8
Jewish 9
Islamic 10
Buddhist 11
Hindu 12
Other Asian religions 13
Other religions - Please specify 14


Apart from such special occasions as weddings, funerals, etc., how often do you attend religious services? :


Distribution of values for D29

Distribution of values for D29

59 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss
D29 Apart from such special occasions as weddings, funerals, etc., how often do you attend religious services? : numeric 59 0.958885 1 7 8 6.242006 2.151095 ▂▁▂▁▇ F1.0

Value labels

Response choices
name value
Several times a week or more often 1
Once a week 2
2 or 3 times a month 3
Once a month 4
Several times a year 5
Once a year 6
Less frequently than once a year 7
Never 8


In our society, there are groups which tend to be towards the top and groups which tend to be towards the bottom.Below is a scale that runs from the top to the bottom.Where would you put yourself on this scale? :


Distribution of values for D30

Distribution of values for D30

160 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss
D30 In our society, there are groups which tend to be towards the top and groups which tend to be towards the bottom.Below is a scale that runs from the top to the bottom.Where would you put yourself on this scale? : numeric 160 0.8885017 1 5 10 4.921569 1.837204 ▁▇▇▂▁ F2.0

Value labels

Response choices
name value
Top - 10 1
9 2
8 3
7 4
6 5
5 6
4 7
3 8
2 9
Bottom - 1 10


Do you usually think of yourself as close to any particular political party and, if yes, which party is that? :


Distribution of values for D31

Distribution of values for D31

82 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss
D31 Do you usually think of yourself as close to any particular political party and, if yes, which party is that? : numeric 82 0.9428571 1 2 9 4.323725 3.060558 ▇▁▁▁▆ F1.0

Value labels

Response choices
name value
Labor Party (ALP) 1
Liberal Party 2
National (Country) Party 3
Greens 5
No party affiliation 8
Other party (please specify) 9


Did you vote in Australias federal election in September 2013? :


Distribution of values for D32

Distribution of values for D32

45 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss
D32 Did you vote in Australias federal election in September 2013? : numeric 45 0.9686411 1 1 3 1.048201 0.2625819 ▇▁▁▁▁ F1.0

Value labels

Response choices
name value
Yes, I did vote 1
No, I did not vote 2
I was not eligible to vote in the last election 3


Thinking back to the last general election in September 2013 - Which party did you vote for? :


Distribution of values for D33

Distribution of values for D33

187 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss
D33 Thinking back to the last general election in September 2013 - Which party did you vote for? : numeric 187 0.8696864 1 2 6 2.352564 1.577425 ▇▁▁▂▁ F1.0

Value labels

Response choices
name value
Labor Party (ALP) 1
Liberal Party 2
National (Country) Party 3
Greens 5
Other party (please specify) 6


What country were you born in? :


Distribution of values for D34

Distribution of values for D34

33 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss
D34 What country were you born in? : numeric 33 0.9770035 1 1 2 1.249643 0.432961 ▇▁▁▁▂ F1.0

Value labels

Response choices
name value
Australia 1
Overseas - Please specify country 2


Code for group: SACC Level: 0


Distribution of values for D34SACC1

Distribution of values for D34SACC1

1 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss
D34SACC1 Code for group: SACC Level: 0 numeric 1 0.9993031 0 1 9 1.589261 1.590067 ▇▂▁▁▁ F1.0

Value labels

Response choices
name value
Error 0
Oceania and Antarctica 1
North-west Europe 2
Southern and eastern Europe 3
North Africa and the Middle East 4
South-east Asia 5
North-east Asia 6
Southern and central Asia 7
Americas 8
Sub-Saharan Africa 9


What country was your mother born in? :


Distribution of values for D35

Distribution of values for D35

36 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss
D35 What country was your mother born in? : numeric 36 0.9749129 1 1 2 1.355254 0.4787613 ▇▁▁▁▅ F1.0

Value labels

Response choices
name value
Australia 1
Overseas - Please specify country 2


Code for group: SACC Level: 0


Distribution of values for D35SACC1

Distribution of values for D35SACC1

1 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss
D35SACC1 Code for group: SACC Level: 0 numeric 1 0.9993031 0 1 9 1.776151 1.685939 ▇▂▁▁▁ F1.0

Value labels

Response choices
name value
Error 0
Oceania and Antarctica 1
North-west Europe 2
Southern and eastern Europe 3
North Africa and the Middle East 4
South-east Asia 5
North-east Asia 6
Southern and central Asia 7
Americas 8
Sub-Saharan Africa 9


And what country was your father born in? :


Distribution of values for D36

Distribution of values for D36

36 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss
D36 And what country was your father born in? : numeric 36 0.9749129 1 1 2 1.373838 0.4839945 ▇▁▁▁▅ F1.0

Value labels

Response choices
name value
Australia 1
Overseas - Please specify country 2


Code for group: SACC Level: 0


Distribution of values for D36SACC1

Distribution of values for D36SACC1

0 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss
D36SACC1 Code for group: SACC Level: 0 numeric 0 1 0 1 9 1.771429 1.637051 ▇▃▁▁▁ F1.0

Value labels

Response choices
name value
Error 0
Oceania and Antarctica 1
North-west Europe 2
Southern and eastern Europe 3
North Africa and the Middle East 4
South-east Asia 5
North-east Asia 6
Southern and central Asia 7
Americas 8
Sub-Saharan Africa 9


Do you identify yourself as Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander? :


Distribution of values for D38

Distribution of values for D38

45 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss
D38 Do you identify yourself as Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander? : numeric 45 0.9686411 1 2 2 1.983453 0.1276115 ▁▁▁▁▇ F1.0

Value labels

Response choices
name value
Yes 1
No 2


Is there at least one telephone inside your home that is currently working and is not a mobile phone? :


Distribution of values for D40

Distribution of values for D40

70 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss
D40 Is there at least one telephone inside your home that is currently working and is not a mobile phone? : numeric 70 0.9512195 1 1 3 1.199267 0.4032486 ▇▁▂▁▁ F1.0

Value labels

Response choices
name value
Yes 1
No 2
Dont know 3


How many people in your household, including yourself, have a currently working mobile phone?


Distribution of values for D41

Distribution of values for D41

134 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss
D41 How many people in your household, including yourself, have a currently working mobile phone? numeric 134 0.9066202 0 2 20 2.307456 1.214976 ▇▁▁▁▁ F2.0


In your home, do you have a computer (such as a PC, laptop or iPad) that is connected to the Internet? :


Distribution of values for D42

Distribution of values for D42

76 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss
D42 In your home, do you have a computer (such as a PC, laptop or iPad) that is connected to the Internet? : numeric 76 0.9470383 1 1 3 1.100809 0.3084346 ▇▁▁▁▁ F1.0

Value labels

Response choices
name value
Yes 1
No 2
Dont know 3


Before taxes and other deductions, what on average is your own total monthly income? : $


Distribution of values for D43

Distribution of values for D43

512 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss
D43 Before taxes and other deductions, what on average is your own total monthly income? : $ numeric 512 0.6432056 0 3600 240000 8243.685 19835.12 ▇▁▁▁▁ F7.0


Before taxes and other deductions, what on average is the total monthly income of your household? : $


Distribution of values for D44

Distribution of values for D44

549 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss
D44 Before taxes and other deductions, what on average is the total monthly income of your household? : $ numeric 549 0.6174216 0 6250 435900 13903.48 31331.3 ▇▁▁▁▁ F7.0


What is your current legal marital status? :


Distribution of values for D45

Distribution of values for D45

83 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss
D45 What is your current legal marital status? : numeric 83 0.9421603 1 1 5 2.037722 1.568348 ▇▁▁▁▂ F1.0

Value labels

Response choices
name value
Married 1
Separated from my spouse but still legally married 2
Divorced from spouse 3
Widowed 4
I have never been married 5


Would you describe the place where you live as … :


Distribution of values for D46

Distribution of values for D46

71 missing values.

Summary statistics

name label data_type n_missing complete_rate min median max mean sd hist format.spss
D46 Would you describe the place where you live as … : numeric 71 0.9505226 1 2 5 2.455279 1.077439 ▃▇▅▂▁ F1.0

Value labels

Response choices
name value
A big city 1
The suburbs or outskirts of a big city 2
A town or a small city 3
A country village 4
A farm or home in the country 5



Distribution of values for state

Distribution of values for state

0 missing values.

Summary statistics

name data_type n_missing complete_rate n_unique empty min max whitespace format.spss display_width label
state character 0 1 8 0 2 3 0 A3 6 NA

Missingness report

Codebook table

name label data_type value_labels n_missing complete_rate n_unique empty min median max mean sd whitespace hist format.spss display_width
A1A There are different opinions as to what it takes to be a good citizen.  As far as you are concerned personally on a scale of 1 to 7, where 1 is not at all important and 7 is very important, how important is it: : Always to vote in elections numeric 1. Not at all important 1,
2. 2,
3. 3,
4. 4,
5. 5,
6. 6,
7. Very important 7,
8. Cant choose
46 0.9679443 NA NA 1 7 8 6.347732 1.332114e+00 NA ▁▁▁▂▇ F1.0 NA
A1B There are different opinions as to what it takes to be a good citizen.  As far as you are concerned personally on a scale of 1 to 7, where 1 is not at all important and 7 is very important, how important is it: : Never to try to evade taxes numeric 1. Not at all important 1,
2. 2,
3. 3,
4. 4,
5. 5,
6. 6,
7. Very important 7,
8. Cant choose
55 0.9616725 NA NA 1 7 8 6.423188 1.104036e+00 NA ▁▁▂▂▇ F1.0 NA
A1C There are different opinions as to what it takes to be a good citizen.  As far as you are concerned personally on a scale of 1 to 7, where 1 is not at all important and 7 is very important, how important is it: : Always to obey laws and regulations numeric 1. Not at all important 1,
2. 2,
3. 3,
4. 4,
5. 5,
6. 6,
7. Very important 7,
8. Cant choose
46 0.9679443 NA NA 1 7 8 6.504680 9.185957e-01 NA ▁▁▁▂▇ F1.0 NA
A1D There are different opinions as to what it takes to be a good citizen.  As far as you are concerned personally on a scale of 1 to 7, where 1 is not at all important and 7 is very important, how important is it: : To keep watch on the actions of gove numeric 1. Not at all important 1,
2. 2,
3. 3,
4. 4,
5. 5,
6. 6,
7. Very important 7,
8. Cant choose
55 0.9616725 NA NA 1 6 8 5.942029 1.274893e+00 NA ▁▁▅▅▇ F1.0 NA
A1E There are different opinions as to what it takes to be a good citizen.  As far as you are concerned personally on a scale of 1 to 7, where 1 is not at all important and 7 is very important, how important is it: : To be active in social or political numeric 1. Not at all important 1,
2. 2,
3. 3,
4. 4,
5. 5,
6. 6,
7. Very important 7,
8. Cant choose
58 0.9595819 NA NA 1 4 8 3.936819 1.800659e+00 NA ▅▃▇▂▂ F1.0 NA
A1F There are different opinions as to what it takes to be a good citizen.  As far as you are concerned personally on a scale of 1 to 7, where 1 is not at all important and 7 is very important, how important is it: : To try to understand the reasoning o numeric 1. Not at all important 1,
2. 2,
3. 3,
4. 4,
5. 5,
6. 6,
7. Very important 7,
8. Cant choose
48 0.9665505 NA NA 1 6 8 5.825523 1.292608e+00 NA ▁▁▆▆▇ F1.0 NA
A1G There are different opinions as to what it takes to be a good citizen.  As far as you are concerned personally on a scale of 1 to 7, where 1 is not at all important and 7 is very important, how important is it: : To choose products for political, et numeric 1. Not at all important 1,
2. 2,
3. 3,
4. 4,
5. 5,
6. 6,
7. Very important 7,
8. Cant choose
61 0.9574913 NA NA 1 5 8 5.074236 1.735711e+00 NA ▂▂▇▆▅ F1.0 NA
A1H There are different opinions as to what it takes to be a good citizen.  As far as you are concerned personally on a scale of 1 to 7, where 1 is not at all important and 7 is very important, how important is it: : To help people in Australia who are numeric 1. Not at all important 1,
2. 2,
3. 3,
4. 4,
5. 5,
6. 6,
7. Very important 7,
8. Cant choose
51 0.9644599 NA NA 1 6 8 5.834538 1.308272e+00 NA ▁▁▆▅▇ F1.0 NA
A1I There are different opinions as to what it takes to be a good citizen.  As far as you are concerned personally on a scale of 1 to 7, where 1 is not at all important and 7 is very important, how important is it: : To help people in the rest of the wo numeric 1. Not at all important 1,
2. 2,
3. 3,
4. 4,
5. 5,
6. 6,
7. Very important 7,
8. Cant choose
55 0.9616725 NA NA 1 5 8 4.718116 1.852296e+00 NA ▃▃▇▃▅ F1.0 NA
A2 There are a number of groups in society. What do you think about the following groups holding public meetings? Should religious extremists be allowed to hold public meetings?  : numeric 1. Should definitely be allowed,
2. Should probably be allowed,
3. Should probably not be allowed,
4. Should definitely not be allowed,
5. Cant choose
48 0.9665505 NA NA 1 3 5 3.162221 1.044639e+00 NA ▂▃▅▇▁ F1.0 NA
A3 Should people who want to overthrow the government by force be allowed to hold public meetings? : numeric 1. Should definitely be allowed,
2. Should probably be allowed,
3. Should probably not be allowed,
4. Should definitely not be allowed,
5. Cant choose
45 0.9686411 NA NA 1 4 5 3.467626 9.547137e-01 NA ▁▁▂▇▁ F1.0 NA
A4 Should people prejudiced against any racial or ethnic group be allowed to hold public meetings? : numeric 1. Should definitely be allowed,
2. Should probably be allowed,
3. Should probably not be allowed,
4. Should definitely not be allowed,
5. Cant choose
44 0.9693380 NA NA 1 3 5 3.176851 1.014462e+00 NA ▂▃▅▇▁ F1.0 NA
A5A Here are some different forms of political and social action that people can take. Please indicate, for each one,whether you have done any of these things in the past year,whether you have done it in the more distant past,whether you have not done i numeric 1. Have done it in the past year,
2. Have done it in the more distant past,
3. Have not done it but might do it,
4. Have not done it and would never do it,
5. Can’t choose
50 0.9651568 NA NA 1 2 5 1.857040 9.138046e-01 NA ▇▇▃▁▁ F1.0 NA
A5B Here are some different forms of political and social action that people can take. Please indicate, for each one,whether you have done any of these things in the past year,whether you have done it in the more distant past,whether you have not done i numeric 1. Have done it in the past year,
2. Have done it in the more distant past,
3. Have not done it but might do it,
4. Have not done it and would never do it,
5. Can’t choose
55 0.9616725 NA NA 1 2 5 2.255797 1.215892e+00 NA ▇▃▅▃▁ F1.0 NA
A5C Here are some different forms of political and social action that people can take. Please indicate, for each one,whether you have done any of these things in the past year,whether you have done it in the more distant past,whether you have not done i numeric 1. Have done it in the past year,
2. Have done it in the more distant past,
3. Have not done it but might do it,
4. Have not done it and would never do it,
5. Can’t choose
52 0.9637631 NA NA 1 3 5 3.133767 9.099280e-01 NA ▁▃▇▇▁ F1.0 NA
A5D Here are some different forms of political and social action that people can take. Please indicate, for each one,whether you have done any of these things in the past year,whether you have done it in the more distant past,whether you have not done i numeric 1. Have done it in the past year,
2. Have done it in the more distant past,
3. Have not done it but might do it,
4. Have not done it and would never do it,
5. Can’t choose
52 0.9637631 NA NA 1 3 5 3.151121 9.292699e-01 NA ▁▃▇▇▁ F1.0 NA
A5E Here are some different forms of political and social action that people can take. Please indicate, for each one,whether you have done any of these things in the past year,whether you have done it in the more distant past,whether you have not done i numeric 1. Have done it in the past year,
2. Have done it in the more distant past,
3. Have not done it but might do it,
4. Have not done it and would never do it,
5. Can’t choose
56 0.9609756 NA NA 1 3 5 2.715011 1.004706e+00 NA ▃▅▇▅▁ F1.0 NA
A5F Here are some different forms of political and social action that people can take. Please indicate, for each one,whether you have done any of these things in the past year,whether you have done it in the more distant past,whether you have not done i numeric 1. Have done it in the past year,
2. Have done it in the more distant past,
3. Have not done it but might do it,
4. Have not done it and would never do it,
5. Can’t choose
53 0.9630662 NA NA 1 3 5 2.839363 1.193859e+00 NA ▅▃▅▇▁ F1.0 NA
A5G Here are some different forms of political and social action that people can take. Please indicate, for each one,whether you have done any of these things in the past year,whether you have done it in the more distant past,whether you have not done i numeric 1. Have done it in the past year,
2. Have done it in the more distant past,
3. Have not done it but might do it,
4. Have not done it and would never do it,
5. Can’t choose
49 0.9658537 NA NA 1 4 5 3.329726 8.438845e-01 NA ▁▂▆▇▁ F1.0 NA
A5H Here are some different forms of political and social action that people can take. Please indicate, for each one,whether you have done any of these things in the past year,whether you have done it in the more distant past,whether you have not done i numeric 1. Have done it in the past year,
2. Have done it in the more distant past,
3. Have not done it but might do it,
4. Have not done it and would never do it,
5. Can’t choose
55 0.9616725 NA NA 1 4 5 3.271015 1.061093e+00 NA ▂▁▃▇▁ F1.0 NA
A6 How often do you use the media, including television, newspapers, radio and the internet, to get political news or information? : numeric 1. Several times a day,
2. Once a day,
3. 5-6 days a week,
4. 3-4 days a week,
5. 1-2 days a week,
6. Less than 1 day a week,
7. Never,
8. Can’t choose
44 0.9693380 NA NA 1 2 8 2.566499 1.931861e+00 NA ▇▁▁▁▁ F1.0 NA
A7 On average, about how many people do you have contact with in a typical week day, including people you live with. : numeric 1. 0-4 persons,
2. 5-9,
3. 10-19,
4. 20-49,
5. 50 or more,
6. Can’t choose
38 0.9735192 NA NA 1 3 6 2.807444 1.328334e+00 NA ▇▅▃▂▁ F1.0 NA
A8A People sometimes belong to different kinds of groups or associations.  For each type of group, please indicate whether you, belong and actively participate, belong but don’t actively participate, used to belong but do not any more, or have never b numeric 1. Belong and actively participate,
2. Belong but don’t participate,
3. Used to belong,
4. Never belonged,
5. Can’t Choose
78 0.9456446 NA NA 1 4 5 3.817244 5.777822e-01 NA ▁▁▁▇▁ F1.0 NA
A8B People sometimes belong to different kinds of groups or associations.  For each type of group, please indicate whether you, belong and actively participate, belong but don’t actively participate, used to belong but do not any more, or have never b numeric 1. Belong and actively participate,
2. Belong but don’t participate,
3. Used to belong,
4. Never belonged,
5. Can’t Choose
84 0.9414634 NA NA 1 3 5 2.973353 9.794332e-01 NA ▂▅▇▇▁ F1.0 NA
A8C People sometimes belong to different kinds of groups or associations.  For each type of group, please indicate whether you, belong and actively participate, belong but don’t actively participate, used to belong but do not any more, or have never b numeric 1. Belong and actively participate,
2. Belong but don’t participate,
3. Used to belong,
4. Never belonged,
5. Can’t Choose
71 0.9505226 NA NA 1 3 5 2.928152 1.126926e+00 NA ▃▃▅▇▁ F1.0 NA
A8D People sometimes belong to different kinds of groups or associations.  For each type of group, please indicate whether you, belong and actively participate, belong but don’t actively participate, used to belong but do not any more, or have never b numeric 1. Belong and actively participate,
2. Belong but don’t participate,
3. Used to belong,
4. Never belonged,
5. Can’t Choose
66 0.9540070 NA NA 1 3 5 2.411249 1.173373e+00 NA ▇▂▇▃▁ F1.0 NA
A8E People sometimes belong to different kinds of groups or associations.  For each type of group, please indicate whether you, belong and actively participate, belong but don’t actively participate, used to belong but do not any more, or have never b numeric 1. Belong and actively participate,
2. Belong but don’t participate,
3. Used to belong,
4. Never belonged,
5. Can’t Choose
97 0.9324042 NA NA 1 3 5 2.958894 1.201078e+00 NA ▅▁▇▇▁ F1.0 NA
A9A There are different opinions about peoples rights in a democracy.  On a scale of 1 to 7, where 1 is not at all important and 7 is very important, how important is it: : That all citizens have an adequate standard of living numeric 1. Not at all Important 1,
2. 2,
3. 3,
4. 4,
5. 5,
6. 6,
7. Very Important 7,
8. Cant Choose
52 0.9637631 NA NA 1 7 8 6.511208 1.004900e+00 NA ▁▁▁▂▇ F1.0 NA
A9B There are different opinions about peoples rights in a democracy.  On a scale of 1 to 7, where 1 is not at all important and 7 is very important, how important is it: : That government authorities respect and protect the rights of minorities numeric 1. Not at all Important 1,
2. 2,
3. 3,
4. 4,
5. 5,
6. 6,
7. Very Important 7,
8. Cant Choose
57 0.9602787 NA NA 1 7 8 6.108853 1.415669e+00 NA ▁▁▂▂▇ F1.0 NA
A9C There are different opinions about peoples rights in a democracy.  On a scale of 1 to 7, where 1 is not at all important and 7 is very important, how important is it: : That people be given more opportunities to participate in public decision-makin numeric 1. Not at all Important 1,
2. 2,
3. 3,
4. 4,
5. 5,
6. 6,
7. Very Important 7,
8. Cant Choose
58 0.9595819 NA NA 1 6 8 5.827887 1.407571e+00 NA ▁▁▅▅▇ F1.0 NA
A9D There are different opinions about peoples rights in a democracy.  On a scale of 1 to 7, where 1 is not at all important and 7 is very important, how important is it: : That citizens may engage in acts of civil disobedience when they oppose governm numeric 1. Not at all Important 1,
2. 2,
3. 3,
4. 4,
5. 5,
6. 6,
7. Very Important 7,
8. Cant Choose
80 0.9442509 NA NA 1 4 8 3.942435 2.303024e+00 NA ▇▂▆▂▅ F1.0 NA
A9E There are different opinions about peoples rights in a democracy.  On a scale of 1 to 7, where 1 is not at all important and 7 is very important, how important is it: : That governments respect democratic rights whatever the circumstances numeric 1. Not at all Important 1,
2. 2,
3. 3,
4. 4,
5. 5,
6. 6,
7. Very Important 7,
8. Cant Choose
61 0.9574913 NA NA 1 6 8 5.913392 1.487186e+00 NA ▁▁▃▃▇ F1.0 NA
A9F There are different opinions about peoples rights in a democracy.  On a scale of 1 to 7, where 1 is not at all important and 7 is very important, how important is it: : That people convicted of serious crimes lose their citizen rights numeric 1. Not at all Important 1,
2. 2,
3. 3,
4. 4,
5. 5,
6. 6,
7. Very Important 7,
8. Cant Choose
58 0.9595819 NA NA 1 7 8 5.724764 1.905600e+00 NA ▂▁▂▂▇ F1.0 NA
A9G There are different opinions about peoples rights in a democracy.  On a scale of 1 to 7, where 1 is not at all important and 7 is very important, how important is it: : That long-term residents of a country, who are not citizens, have the right to numeric 1. Not at all Important 1,
2. 2,
3. 3,
4. 4,
5. 5,
6. 6,
7. Very Important 7,
8. Cant Choose
60 0.9581882 NA NA 1 3 8 3.612364 2.411217e+00 NA ▇▁▃▂▃ F1.0 NA
A9H There are different opinions about peoples rights in a democracy.  On a scale of 1 to 7, where 1 is not at all important and 7 is very important, how important is it: : That citizens have the right NOT to vote numeric 1. Not at all Important 1,
2. 2,
3. 3,
4. 4,
5. 5,
6. 6,
7. Very Important 7,
8. Cant Choose
67 0.9533101 NA NA 1 4 8 4.027778 2.535908e+00 NA ▇▁▃▂▆ F1.0 NA
A9I There are different opinions about peoples rights in a democracy.  On a scale of 1 to 7, where 1 is not at all important and 7 is very important, how important is it: : That health care be provided for everyone numeric 1. Not at all Important 1,
2. 2,
3. 3,
4. 4,
5. 5,
6. 6,
7. Very Important 7,
8. Cant Choose
51 0.9644599 NA NA 1 7 8 6.536127 1.107456e+00 NA ▁▁▁▁▇ F1.0 NA
A10A To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements? : People like me don’t have any say about what the government does numeric 1. Strongly Agree,
2. Agree,
3. Neither Agree nor Disagree,
4. Disagree,
5. Strongly Disagree,
6. Can’t Choose
52 0.9637631 NA NA 1 3 6 2.896602 1.301289e+00 NA ▇▃▅▂▁ F1.0 NA
A10B To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements? : I don’t think the government cares much what people like me think numeric 1. Strongly Agree,
2. Agree,
3. Neither Agree nor Disagree,
4. Disagree,
5. Strongly Disagree,
6. Can’t Choose
50 0.9651568 NA NA 1 2 6 2.632491 1.234715e+00 NA ▇▂▃▁▁ F1.0 NA
A10C To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements? : I feel I have a pretty good understanding of the important political issues facing Australia numeric 1. Strongly Agree,
2. Agree,
3. Neither Agree nor Disagree,
4. Disagree,
5. Strongly Disagree,
6. Can’t Choose
47 0.9672474 NA NA 1 2 6 2.287464 1.059955e+00 NA ▇▂▁▁▁ F1.0 NA
A10D To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements? : I think most people in Australia are better informed about politics and government than I am numeric 1. Strongly Agree,
2. Agree,
3. Neither Agree nor Disagree,
4. Disagree,
5. Strongly Disagree,
6. Can’t Choose
52 0.9637631 NA NA 1 4 6 3.686913 9.874147e-01 NA ▂▆▇▃▁ F1.0 NA
A11 Suppose a law were being considered by federal parliament that you considered to be unjust or harmful. If such a case arose, how likely is it that you, acting alone or together with others, would be able to try to do something about it? : numeric 1. Very likely,
2. Fairly likely,
3. Not very likely,
4. Not at all likely,
5. Can’t choose
42 0.9707317 NA NA 1 3 5 2.639627 1.021005e+00 NA ▃▆▇▃▁ F1.0 NA
A12 If you made such an effort, how likely is it that federal parliament would give serious attention to your demands?   : numeric 1. Very likely,
2. Fairly likely,
3. Not very likely,
4. Not at all likely,
5. Can’t choose
43 0.9700348 NA NA 1 3 5 3.186782 8.442459e-01 NA ▁▂▇▅▁ F1.0 NA
A13 How interested would you say you personally are in politics? : numeric 1. Very interested,
2. Fairly interested,
3. Not very interested,
4. Not at all interested,
5. Can’t choose
31 0.9783972 NA NA 1 2 5 2.340456 8.803154e-01 NA ▃▇▅▂▁ F1.0 NA
A14 In politics people sometimes talk of left and right. Where would you place yourself on a scale from 0 to 10 where 0 means the left and 10 means the right?   : numeric 0. Left 0,
1. 1,
2. 2,
3. 3,
4. 4,
5. 5,
6. 6,
7. 7,
8. 8,
9. 9,
10. Right 10,
11. Cant choose
70 0.9512195 NA NA 0 6 11 6.403663 3.137441e+00 NA ▃▃▇▅▇ F2.0 NA
A15A To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements? : Most of the time we can trust people in government to do what is right numeric 1. Strongly Agree,
2. Agree,
3. Neither Agree nor Disagree,
4. Disagree,
5. Strongly Disagree,
6. Can’t Choose
45 0.9686411 NA NA 1 3 6 3.077698 1.128723e+00 NA ▇▅▅▂▁ F1.0 NA
A15B To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements? : Most politicians are in politics only for what they can get out of it personally numeric 1. Strongly Agree,
2. Agree,
3. Neither Agree nor Disagree,
4. Disagree,
5. Strongly Disagree,
6. Can’t Choose
44 0.9693380 NA NA 1 3 6 2.751258 1.202496e+00 NA ▇▅▅▁▁ F1.0 NA
A16 How often do you think that people would try to take advantage of you if they got the chance, and how often would they try to be fair?   : numeric 1. Try to take advantage almost all of the time,
2. Try to take advantage most of the time,
3. Try to be fair most of the time,
4. Try to be fair almost all of the time,
5. Can’t Choose
38 0.9735192 NA NA 1 3 5 2.941303 8.873461e-01 NA ▁▃▇▁▁ F1.0 NA
A17 Generally speaking, would you say that people can be trusted or that you can’t be too careful in dealing with people? : numeric 1. People can almost always be trusted,
2. People can usually be trusted,
3. You usually can’t be too careful in dealing with people,
4. You almost always can’t be too careful in dealing with people,
5. Can’t Choose
39 0.9728223 NA NA 1 2 5 2.487106 7.509936e-01 NA ▁▇▅▁▁ F1.0 NA
A18 When you get together with your friends, relatives or fellow workers, how often do you discuss politics? : numeric 1. Often,
2. Sometimes,
3. Rarely,
4. Never,
5. Can’t choose
37 0.9742160 NA NA 1 2 5 2.329042 8.580917e-01 NA ▃▇▅▂▁ F1.0 NA
A19 When you hold a strong opinion about politics, how often do you try to persuade your friends, relatives or fellow workers to share your views? : numeric 1. Often,
2. Sometimes,
3. Rarely,
4. Never,
5. Can’t choose
41 0.9714286 NA NA 1 3 5 2.954089 9.121741e-01 NA ▁▆▇▆▁ F1.0 NA
A201 Thinking now about politics in Australia, to what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements? : Political parties encourage people to become active in politics numeric 1. Strongly Agree,
2. Agree,
3. Neither Agree nor Disagree,
4. Disagree,
5. Strongly Disagree,
6. Can’t Choose
75 0.9477352 NA NA 1 3 6 3.431618 1.053967e+00 NA ▅▇▇▂▁ F1.0 NA
A202 Thinking now about politics in Australia, to what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements? : Political parties do not give voters real policy choices numeric 1. Strongly Agree,
2. Agree,
3. Neither Agree nor Disagree,
4. Disagree,
5. Strongly Disagree,
6. Can’t Choose
65 0.9547038 NA NA 1 2 6 2.545256 1.157973e+00 NA ▇▃▂▁▁ F1.0 NA
A203 Thinking now about politics in Australia, to what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements? : Referendums are a good way to decide important political questions. numeric 1. Strongly Agree,
2. Agree,
3. Neither Agree nor Disagree,
4. Disagree,
5. Strongly Disagree,
6. Can’t Choose
52 0.9637631 NA NA 1 2 6 2.385394 1.267307e+00 NA ▇▂▁▁▁ F1.0 NA
A21 Thinking of the last national election in Australia, how honest was it regarding the counting and reporting of the votes?   : numeric 1. Very honest,
2. Somewhat honest,
3. Neither honest nor dishonest,
4. Somewhat dishonest,
5. Very dishonest,
6. Can’t choose
45 0.9686411 NA NA 1 2 6 2.556115 1.683598e+00 NA ▇▂▁▁▂ F1.0 NA
A22 Thinking of the last national election in Australia, how fair was it regarding the opportunities of the candidates and parties to campaign? : numeric 1. Very fair,
2. Somewhat fair,
3. Neither fair nor unfair,
4. Somewhat unfair,
5. Very unfair,
6. Can’t choose
48 0.9665505 NA NA 1 2 6 2.652487 1.651991e+00 NA ▇▂▁▁▂ F1.0 NA
A23 Thinking of the public service in Australia, how committed is it to serve the people? : numeric 1. Very committed,
2. Somewhat committed,
3. Not very committed,
4. Not at all committed,
5. Can’t choose
43 0.9700348 NA NA 1 2 5 2.313218 9.650383e-01 NA ▂▇▃▁▁ F1.0 NA
A24 How widespread do you think corruption is in the public service in Australia? : numeric 1. Hardly anyone is involved,
2. A small number of people are involved,
3. A moderate number of people are involved,
4. A lot of people are involved,
5. Almost everyone is involved,
6. Can’t choose
47 0.9672474 NA NA 1 2 6 2.824928 1.235283e+00 NA ▇▅▂▁▁ F1.0 NA
A25A On the whole, on a scale of 0 to 10 where 0 is very poorly and 10 is very well. : How well does democracy work in Australia today? numeric 0. Very Poorly0,
1. 1,
2. 2,
3. 3,
4. 4,
5. 5,
6. 6,
7. 7,
8. 8,
9. 9,
10. Very Well 10,
11. Cant choose
54 0.9623693 NA NA 0 8 11 7.205648 2.299590e+00 NA ▁▁▃▇▆ F2.0 NA
A25B On the whole, on a scale of 0 to 10 where 0 is very poorly and 10 is very well. : And what about 10 years ago? How well did democracy work in Australia then? numeric 0. Very Poorly0,
1. 1,
2. 2,
3. 3,
4. 4,
5. 5,
6. 6,
7. 7,
8. 8,
9. 9,
10. Very Well 10,
11. Cant choose
61 0.9574913 NA NA 0 8 11 7.832605 2.302900e+00 NA ▁▁▃▇▇ F2.0 NA
A25C On the whole, on a scale of 0 to 10 where 0 is very poorly and 10 is very well. : And how about 10 years from now? How well do you think democracy will work in Australia then? numeric 0. Very Poorly0,
1. 1,
2. 2,
3. 3,
4. 4,
5. 5,
6. 6,
7. 7,
8. 8,
9. 9,
10. Very Well 10,
11. Cant choose
66 0.9540070 NA NA 0 7 11 7.051863 3.088523e+00 NA ▂▂▅▆▇ F2.0 NA
A26A On average, how often do you: : Read the political content of a newspaper numeric 1. Several times a day,
2. Once a day,
3. 5-6 days a week,
4. 3-4 days a week,
5. 1-2 days a week,
6. Less than 1 day a week,
7. Never,
8. Can’t choose
47 0.9672474 NA NA 1 5 8 4.750000 1.926974e+00 NA ▇▂▇▇▆ F1.0 NA
A26B On average, how often do you: : Watch political news on television numeric 1. Several times a day,
2. Once a day,
3. 5-6 days a week,
4. 3-4 days a week,
5. 1-2 days a week,
6. Less than 1 day a week,
7. Never,
8. Can’t choose
50 0.9651568 NA NA 1 4 8 3.785560 1.960099e+00 NA ▇▂▆▃▂ F1.0 NA
A26C On average, how often do you: : Listen to political news on the radio numeric 1. Several times a day,
2. Once a day,
3. 5-6 days a week,
4. 3-4 days a week,
5. 1-2 days a week,
6. Less than 1 day a week,
7. Never,
8. Can’t choose
48 0.9665505 NA NA 1 6 8 4.790195 2.181509e+00 NA ▆▂▅▅▇ F1.0 NA
A26D On average, how often do you: : Use the Internet to get political news or information numeric 1. Several times a day,
2. Once a day,
3. 5-6 days a week,
4. 3-4 days a week,
5. 1-2 days a week,
6. Less than 1 day a week,
7. Never,
8. Can’t choose
52 0.9637631 NA NA 1 6 8 5.313087 2.122417e+00 NA ▃▁▂▃▇ F1.0 NA
B1 How much do you feel you understand about climate change - would you say a great deal, a moderate amount, only a little, or nothing at all? : numeric 1. A great deal,
2. A moderate amount,
3. Only a little,
4. Nothing at all
37 0.9742160 NA NA 1 2 4 2.104435 7.222571e-01 NA ▃▇▁▃▁ F1.0 NA
B2 Which of the following statements do you personally believe? : numeric 1. Climate change is happening now, and is caused mainly by human activities,
2. Climate change is happening now, but is caused mainly by natural forces,
3. Climate change is not happening now,
4. I dont know whether climate change is happening or not
55 0.9616725 NA NA 1 1 4 1.573913 8.656950e-01 NA ▇▃▁▁▁ F1.0 NA
B3 How serious a threat do you think climate change will pose to you or your way of life in your lifetime? : numeric 1. Very serious,
2. Fairly serious,
3. Not very serious,
4. Not at all serious
45 0.9686411 NA NA 1 2 4 2.336691 9.005353e-01 NA ▅▇▁▇▂ F1.0 NA
B4 How about people born in 2014? How serious a threat do you think climate change will pose to them or their way of life during their lifetime? : numeric 1. Very serious,
2. Fairly serious,
3. Not very serious,
4. Not at all serious
53 0.9630662 NA NA 1 2 4 1.850941 8.815815e-01 NA ▇▆▁▃▁ F1.0 NA
B5 Which of the following statements do you think is more accurate? : numeric 1. Most scientists agree that climate change is happening now, caused mainly by human activities.,
2. There is little agreement among scientists that climate change is happening now, caused mainly by human activities.
69 0.9519164 NA NA 1 1 2 1.334553 4.720069e-01 NA ▇▁▁▁▅ F1.0 NA
C1A On a scale of 1 to 7, where 1 is not at all important and 7 is very important… : How important to you is being an Australian citizen or resident? numeric 1. Not at all important 1,
2. 2,
3. 3,
4. 4,
5. 5,
6. 6,
7. Very important 7,
8. Cant choose
62 0.9567944 NA NA 1 7 8 6.720320 8.658584e-01 NA ▁▁▁▁▇ F1.0 NA
C1B On a scale of 1 to 7, where 1 is not at all important and 7 is very important… : How important do you think the Anzac heritage is for Australia’s national identity? numeric 1. Not at all important 1,
2. 2,
3. 3,
4. 4,
5. 5,
6. 6,
7. Very important 7,
8. Cant choose
65 0.9547038 NA NA 1 7 8 6.121898 1.468103e+00 NA ▁▁▂▂▇ F1.0 NA
C1C On a scale of 1 to 7, where 1 is not at all important and 7 is very important… : How important is the Anzac heritage to your own sense of what it means to be Australian? numeric 1. Not at all important 1,
2. 2,
3. 3,
4. 4,
5. 5,
6. 6,
7. Very important 7,
8. Cant choose
69 0.9519164 NA NA 1 7 8 5.753294 1.820087e+00 NA ▂▁▂▂▇ F1.0 NA
C2A To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements? : The Australia that you know and love isn’t changing too fast, and will never change. numeric 1. Strongly agree,
2. Agree,
3. Disagree,
4. Strongly disagree
88 0.9386760 NA NA 1 3 4 2.982925 6.465173e-01 NA ▁▂▁▇▂ F1.0 NA
C2B To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements? : There are forces in Australian society that may be changing the country for the worse. numeric 1. Strongly agree,
2. Agree,
3. Disagree,
4. Strongly disagree
85 0.9407666 NA NA 1 2 4 1.902222 7.063691e-01 NA ▃▇▁▂▁ F1.0 NA
C2C To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements? : Most people in Australia dont realise how much our lives are controlled by plots hatched in secret places. numeric 1. Strongly agree,
2. Agree,
3. Disagree,
4. Strongly disagree
122 0.9149826 NA NA 1 2 4 2.522468 8.298854e-01 NA ▂▇▁▇▂ F1.0 NA
C2D To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements? : The people that really run Australia are known to everyone. numeric 1. Strongly agree,
2. Agree,
3. Disagree,
4. Strongly disagree
104 0.9275261 NA NA 1 3 4 2.694215 6.503588e-01 NA ▁▅▁▇▁ F1.0 NA
C2E To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements? : I often feel that the really important matters in Australia are decided by people we never even hear about. numeric 1. Strongly agree,
2. Agree,
3. Disagree,
4. Strongly disagree
107 0.9254355 NA NA 1 2 4 2.259789 6.897750e-01 NA ▂▇▁▅▁ F1.0 NA
C2F To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements? : No sooner do most foreign immigrants get here than they try to bring Australia down by refusing to abide by our laws. numeric 1. Strongly agree,
2. Agree,
3. Disagree,
4. Strongly disagree
91 0.9365854 NA NA 1 3 4 2.410714 9.729344e-01 NA ▅▆▁▇▃ F1.0 NA
C2G To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements? : The true Australian way if life is disappearing so fast that we may have to use force to save it. numeric 1. Strongly agree,
2. Agree,
3. Disagree,
4. Strongly disagree
99 0.9310105 NA NA 1 3 4 2.640719 9.383805e-01 NA ▃▅▁▇▃ F1.0 NA
C2H To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements? : Regardless of what some people say, racial background has no bearing on who can be a real Australian. numeric 1. Strongly agree,
2. Agree,
3. Disagree,
4. Strongly disagree
95 0.9337979 NA NA 1 2 4 2.019403 7.974453e-01 NA ▅▇▁▃▁ F1.0 NA
C2I To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements? : I am afraid there isnt going to be as much freedom in Australia as time goes on. numeric 1. Strongly agree,
2. Agree,
3. Disagree,
4. Strongly disagree
87 0.9393728 NA NA 1 2 4 2.278190 8.149853e-01 NA ▃▇▁▆▁ F1.0 NA
C3A How much confidence do you have in the following organisations? : The defence forces numeric 1. A great deal of confidence,
2. Quite a lot of confidence,
3. Not very much confidence,
4. No confidence at all,
5. Cant choose
73 0.9491289 NA NA 1 2 5 1.837739 8.763109e-01 NA ▆▇▂▁▁ F1.0 NA
C3B How much confidence do you have in the following organisations? : The Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) numeric 1. A great deal of confidence,
2. Quite a lot of confidence,
3. Not very much confidence,
4. No confidence at all,
5. Cant choose
80 0.9442509 NA NA 1 2 5 2.259779 1.098057e+00 NA ▅▇▃▂▁ F1.0 NA
C3C How much confidence do you have in the following organisations? : The unions numeric 1. A great deal of confidence,
2. Quite a lot of confidence,
3. Not very much confidence,
4. No confidence at all,
5. Cant choose
80 0.9442509 NA NA 1 3 5 3.143173 9.508701e-01 NA ▁▅▇▆▁ F1.0 NA
C3D How much confidence do you have in the following organisations? : The courts and the legal system numeric 1. A great deal of confidence,
2. Quite a lot of confidence,
3. Not very much confidence,
4. No confidence at all,
5. Cant choose
74 0.9484321 NA NA 1 2 5 2.523145 9.257433e-01 NA ▂▇▇▂▁ F1.0 NA
C3E How much confidence do you have in the following organisations? : The Federal parliament numeric 1. A great deal of confidence,
2. Quite a lot of confidence,
3. Not very much confidence,
4. No confidence at all,
5. Cant choose
74 0.9484321 NA NA 1 3 5 2.734019 8.868794e-01 NA ▁▆▇▂▁ F1.0 NA
C3F How much confidence do you have in the following organisations? : The public service numeric 1. A great deal of confidence,
2. Quite a lot of confidence,
3. Not very much confidence,
4. No confidence at all,
5. Cant choose
77 0.9463415 NA NA 1 3 5 2.634021 8.725353e-01 NA ▁▇▇▂▁ F1.0 NA
C3G How much confidence do you have in the following organisations? : Major Australian companies numeric 1. A great deal of confidence,
2. Quite a lot of confidence,
3. Not very much confidence,
4. No confidence at all,
5. Cant choose
84 0.9414634 NA NA 1 3 5 2.737232 9.066492e-01 NA ▁▇▇▂▁ F1.0 NA
C3H How much confidence do you have in the following organisations? : Banks and financial institutions numeric 1. A great deal of confidence,
2. Quite a lot of confidence,
3. Not very much confidence,
4. No confidence at all,
5. Cant choose
78 0.9456446 NA NA 1 3 5 2.668386 8.786109e-01 NA ▁▇▇▃▁ F1.0 NA
C3I How much confidence do you have in the following organisations? : Churches or religious institutions numeric 1. A great deal of confidence,
2. Quite a lot of confidence,
3. Not very much confidence,
4. No confidence at all,
5. Cant choose
75 0.9477352 NA NA 1 3 5 2.983088 1.043079e+00 NA ▂▆▇▆▂ F1.0 NA
C3J How much confidence do you have in the following organisations? : The police in my State or Territory numeric 1. A great deal of confidence,
2. Quite a lot of confidence,
3. Not very much confidence,
4. No confidence at all,
5. Cant choose
70 0.9512195 NA NA 1 2 5 2.072528 8.095018e-01 NA ▃▇▂▁▁ F1.0 NA
C3K How much confidence do you have in the following organisations? : Charities numeric 1. A great deal of confidence,
2. Quite a lot of confidence,
3. Not very much confidence,
4. No confidence at all,
5. Cant choose
75 0.9477352 NA NA 1 2 5 2.472059 9.194722e-01 NA ▂▇▅▂▁ F1.0 NA
C3L How much confidence do you have in the following organisations? : Universities numeric 1. A great deal of confidence,
2. Quite a lot of confidence,
3. Not very much confidence,
4. No confidence at all,
5. Cant choose
80 0.9442509 NA NA 1 2 5 2.335793 9.731302e-01 NA ▂▇▃▁▁ F1.0 NA
C3M How much confidence do you have in the following organisations? : Australias social welfare system numeric 1. A great deal of confidence,
2. Quite a lot of confidence,
3. Not very much confidence,
4. No confidence at all,
5. Cant choose
75 0.9477352 NA NA 1 3 5 2.755147 9.244707e-01 NA ▁▇▇▃▁ F1.0 NA
C4 Which one of the following sources of information would you say you rely on MOST for your news and information? : numeric 1. ABC and/or SBS television,
2. Commercial television,
3. ABC and/or SBS radio,
4. Commercial radio (including talkback),
5. Newspapers,
6. Internet sites,
7. News magazines,
8. Friends and family
118 0.9177700 NA NA 1 2 8 2.974943 1.963221e+00 NA ▇▁▃▂▁ F1.0 NA
C5 Thinking about Federal government in Australia these days, would you say it is run for a few big interests looking out for themselves, or that it is run for the benefit of all the people? : numeric 1. Entirely run for a few big interests,
2. Mostly run for a few big interests,
3. Mostly run for the benefit of all,
4. Entirely run for the benefit of all,
5. Cant choose
31 0.9783972 NA NA 1 3 5 2.524217 9.272068e-01 NA ▂▇▇▁▁ F1.0 NA
C6A Thinking about the amount of power organisations have in Australia today, please say whether you think each of the following should have more power, less power or the same amount. : Big business numeric 1. A lot more power,
2. A bit more power,
3. Same amount of power,
4. A bit less power,
5. A lot less power,
6. Cant choose
52 0.9637631 NA NA 1 4 6 3.762834 1.098680e+00 NA ▂▇▇▅▁ F1.0 NA
C6B Thinking about the amount of power organisations have in Australia today, please say whether you think each of the following should have more power, less power or the same amount. : The Federal government numeric 1. A lot more power,
2. A bit more power,
3. Same amount of power,
4. A bit less power,
5. A lot less power,
6. Cant choose
46 0.9679443 NA NA 1 3 6 2.964723 1.113602e+00 NA ▅▇▂▁▁ F1.0 NA
C6C Thinking about the amount of power organisations have in Australia today, please say whether you think each of the following should have more power, less power or the same amount. : The mass media numeric 1. A lot more power,
2. A bit more power,
3. Same amount of power,
4. A bit less power,
5. A lot less power,
6. Cant choose
54 0.9623693 NA NA 1 4 6 3.845764 1.127440e+00 NA ▂▆▇▇▁ F1.0 NA
C6D Thinking about the amount of power organisations have in Australia today, please say whether you think each of the following should have more power, less power or the same amount. : Unions numeric 1. A lot more power,
2. A bit more power,
3. Same amount of power,
4. A bit less power,
5. A lot less power,
6. Cant choose
54 0.9623693 NA NA 1 4 6 3.860970 1.232209e+00 NA ▃▆▅▇▁ F1.0 NA
D1 Are you … : numeric 1. Male,
2. Female
24 0.9832753 NA NA 1 2 2 1.545003 4.981471e-01 NA ▇▁▁▁▇ F1.0 NA
D2 When were you born? : Year (YYYY) numeric NA 80 0.9442509 NA NA 1919 1957 1996 1958.560148 1.652159e+01 NA ▂▆▇▅▃ F4.0 NA
D5 What is the highest year of schooling you have completed? : numeric 1. Year 12 or equivalent,
2. Year 11 or equivalent,
3. Year 10 or equivalent,
4. Completed primary school,
5. Completed pre-primary school,
6. Did not go to school
47 0.9672474 NA NA 1 1 6 1.826369 1.022866e+00 NA ▇▃▁▁▁ F1.0 NA
D6 What is the highest educational qualification you have completed outside of school? : numeric 1. Doctorate by research,
2. Doctorate by coursework,
3. Masters Degree,
4. Graduate Diploma,
5. Graduate Certificate,
6. Bachelor Degree,
7. Advanced Diploma or Associate Degree,
8. Diploma,
9. Certificate IV,
10. Certificate III,
11. Certificate II,
12. Certificate I,
13. No post-school qualification
93 0.9351916 NA NA 1 9 13 8.712370 3.514005e+00 NA ▂▂▇▃▇ F2.0 NA
D7 Which of the following sexual orientations do you identify with? : numeric 1. Straight (Heterosexual),
2. Gay/Lesbian,
3. Bisexual,
4. Other,
5. Rather not answer
63 0.9560976 NA NA 1 1 5 1.171283 7.320667e-01 NA ▇▁▁▁▁ F1.0 NA
D8 Are you currently working for pay, did you work for pay in the past, or have you never been in paid work? : numeric 1. I am currently in paid work,
2. I am currently not in paid work but I had paid work in the past,
3. I have never had paid work
64 0.9554007 NA NA 1 1 3 1.417214 5.149968e-01 NA ▇▁▅▁▁ F1.0 NA
D12 Do/did you work for a for-profit organisation or for a non-profit organisation? : numeric 1. I work/ed for a for-profit organisation,
2. I work/ed for a non-profit organisation
164 0.8857143 NA NA 1 1 2 1.278521 4.484476e-01 NA ▇▁▁▁▃ F1.0 NA
D13 Do/did you work for a public or a private employer? : numeric 1. Public employer,
2. Private employer
163 0.8864111 NA NA 1 2 2 1.643868 4.790432e-01 NA ▅▁▁▁▇ F1.0 NA
D14ANZSCO1 Code for group: ANZSCO2013v1.2 Level: 0 numeric 0. Operational codes (Aus),
1. Managers,
2. Professionals,
3. Technicians and Trades Workers,
4. Community and Personal Service Workers,
5. Clerical and Administrative Workers,
6. Sales Workers,
7. Machinery Operators and Drivers,
8. Labourers,
9. Operational codes (NZ)
3 0.9979094 NA NA 0 3 8 3.189246 2.262586e+00 NA ▆▇▂▆▂ F1.0 NA
D16ANZSIC1 Code for D16: ANZSIC Level 0 numeric 1. Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing,
2. Mining,
3. Manufacturing,
4. Electricity, Gas, Water and Waste Services,
5. Construction,
6. Wholesale Trade,
7. Retail Trade,
8. Accommodation and Food Services,
9. Transport, Postal and Warehousing,
10. Information Media and Telecommunications,
11. Financial and Insurance Services,
12. Rental, Hiring and Real Estate Services,
13. Professional, Scientific and Technical Services,
14. Administrative and Support Services,
15. Public Administration and Safety,
16. Education and Training,
17. Health Care and Social Assistance,
18. Arts and Recreation Services,
19. Other Services,
20. Blank,
21. Not codeable
1 0.9993031 NA NA 1 15 21 12.680614 6.003821e+00 NA ▅▅▃▇▆ F2.0 NA
D17 Which of the following best describes your current situation? : numeric 1. In paid work (as an employee, self-employed, or working for your own family’s business),
2. Unemployed and looking for a job,
3. In education (not paid for by employer), in school/student/pupil even if on vacation,
4. Apprentice or trainee,
5. Permanently sick or disabled,
6. Retired,
7. Doing housework, looking after the home, children or other persons,
9. Other
74 0.9484321 NA NA 1 1 9 3.072006 2.530831e+00 NA ▇▁▁▅▁ F1.0 NA
D27 Are you or have you ever been a member of a trade union or similar organisation?  If yes: is that currently or only previously? : numeric 1. Yes, currently,
2. Yes, previously but not currently,
3. No, never
42 0.9707317 NA NA 1 2 3 2.265614 7.100079e-01 NA ▃▁▇▁▇ F1.0 NA
D28 Do you belong to a religion and, if yes, which religion do you belong to? : numeric 1. No religion,
2. Catholic,
3. Protestant,
4. Anglican/Church of England,
5. Uniting Church/Methodist,
6. Pentecostal,
7. Orthodox,
8. Other Christian,
9. Jewish,
10. Islamic,
11. Buddhist,
12. Hindu,
13. Other Asian religions,
14. Other religions - Please specify
62 0.9567944 NA NA 1 2 14 3.252003 3.100222e+00 NA ▇▃▁▁▁ F2.0 NA
D29 Apart from such special occasions as weddings, funerals, etc., how often do you attend religious services? : numeric 1. Several times a week or more often,
2. Once a week,
3. 2 or 3 times a month,
4. Once a month,
5. Several times a year,
6. Once a year,
7. Less frequently than once a year,
8. Never
59 0.9588850 NA NA 1 7 8 6.242006 2.151095e+00 NA ▂▁▂▁▇ F1.0 NA
D30 In our society, there are groups which tend to be towards the top and groups which tend to be towards the bottom.Below is a scale that runs from the top to the bottom.Where would you put yourself on this scale? : numeric 1. Top - 10,
2. 9,
3. 8,
4. 7,
5. 6,
6. 5,
7. 4,
8. 3,
9. 2,
10. Bottom - 1
160 0.8885017 NA NA 1 5 10 4.921569 1.837204e+00 NA ▁▇▇▂▁ F2.0 NA
D31 Do you usually think of yourself as close to any particular political party and, if yes, which party is that? : numeric 1. Labor Party (ALP),
2. Liberal Party,
3. National (Country) Party,
5. Greens,
8. No party affiliation,
9. Other party (please specify)
82 0.9428571 NA NA 1 2 9 4.323725 3.060558e+00 NA ▇▁▁▁▆ F1.0 NA
D32 Did you vote in Australias federal election in September 2013? : numeric 1. Yes, I did vote,
2. No, I did not vote,
3. I was not eligible to vote in the last election
45 0.9686411 NA NA 1 1 3 1.048201 2.625819e-01 NA ▇▁▁▁▁ F1.0 NA
D33 Thinking back to the last general election in September 2013 - Which party did you vote for? : numeric 1. Labor Party (ALP),
2. Liberal Party,
3. National (Country) Party,
5. Greens,
6. Other party (please specify)
187 0.8696864 NA NA 1 2 6 2.352564 1.577425e+00 NA ▇▁▁▂▁ F1.0 NA
D34 What country were you born in? : numeric 1. Australia,
2. Overseas - Please specify country
33 0.9770035 NA NA 1 1 2 1.249643 4.329610e-01 NA ▇▁▁▁▂ F1.0 NA
D34SACC1 Code for group: SACC Level: 0 numeric 0. Error,
1. Oceania and Antarctica,
2. North-west Europe,
3. Southern and eastern Europe,
4. North Africa and the Middle East ,
5. South-east Asia,
6. North-east Asia,
7. Southern and central Asia,
8. Americas,
9. Sub-Saharan Africa
1 0.9993031 NA NA 0 1 9 1.589261 1.590067e+00 NA ▇▂▁▁▁ F1.0 NA
D35 What country was your mother born in? : numeric 1. Australia,
2. Overseas - Please specify country
36 0.9749129 NA NA 1 1 2 1.355254 4.787613e-01 NA ▇▁▁▁▅ F1.0 NA
D35SACC1 Code for group: SACC Level: 0 numeric 0. Error,
1. Oceania and Antarctica,
2. North-west Europe,
3. Southern and eastern Europe,
4. North Africa and the Middle East ,
5. South-east Asia,
6. North-east Asia,
7. Southern and central Asia,
8. Americas,
9. Sub-Saharan Africa
1 0.9993031 NA NA 0 1 9 1.776151 1.685939e+00 NA ▇▂▁▁▁ F1.0 NA
D36 And what country was your father born in? : numeric 1. Australia,
2. Overseas - Please specify country
36 0.9749129 NA NA 1 1 2 1.373838 4.839945e-01 NA ▇▁▁▁▅ F1.0 NA
D36SACC1 Code for group: SACC Level: 0 numeric 0. Error,
1. Oceania and Antarctica,
2. North-west Europe,
3. Southern and eastern Europe,
4. North Africa and the Middle East ,
5. South-east Asia,
6. North-east Asia,
7. Southern and central Asia,
8. Americas,
9. Sub-Saharan Africa
0 1.0000000 NA NA 0 1 9 1.771429 1.637051e+00 NA ▇▃▁▁▁ F1.0 NA
D38 Do you identify yourself as Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander? : numeric 1. Yes,
2. No
45 0.9686411 NA NA 1 2 2 1.983453 1.276115e-01 NA ▁▁▁▁▇ F1.0 NA
D40 Is there at least one telephone inside your home that is currently working and is not a mobile phone? : numeric 1. Yes,
2. No,
3. Dont know
70 0.9512195 NA NA 1 1 3 1.199267 4.032486e-01 NA ▇▁▂▁▁ F1.0 NA
D41 How many people in your household, including yourself, have a currently working mobile phone? numeric NA 134 0.9066202 NA NA 0 2 20 2.307456 1.214976e+00 NA ▇▁▁▁▁ F2.0 NA
D42 In your home, do you have a computer (such as a PC, laptop or iPad) that is connected to the Internet? : numeric 1. Yes,
2. No,
3. Dont know
76 0.9470383 NA NA 1 1 3 1.100809 3.084346e-01 NA ▇▁▁▁▁ F1.0 NA
D43 Before taxes and other deductions, what on average is your own total monthly income? : $ numeric NA 512 0.6432056 NA NA 0 3600 240000 8243.684778 1.983512e+04 NA ▇▁▁▁▁ F7.0 NA
D44 Before taxes and other deductions, what on average is the total monthly income of your household? : $ numeric NA 549 0.6174216 NA NA 0 6250 435900 13903.483476 3.133130e+04 NA ▇▁▁▁▁ F7.0 NA
D45 What is your current legal marital status? : numeric 1. Married,
2. Separated from my spouse but still legally married,
3. Divorced from spouse,
4. Widowed,
5. I have never been married
83 0.9421603 NA NA 1 1 5 2.037722 1.568348e+00 NA ▇▁▁▁▂ F1.0 NA
D46 Would you describe the place where you live as … : numeric 1. A big city,
2. The suburbs or outskirts of a big city,
3. A town or a small city,
4. A country village,
5. A farm or home in the country
71 0.9505226 NA NA 1 2 5 2.455279 1.077439e+00 NA ▃▇▅▂▁ F1.0 NA
state NA character NA 0 1.0000000 8 0 2 NA 3 NA NA 0 NA A3 6

JSON-LD metadata The following JSON-LD can be found by search engines, if you share this codebook publicly on the web.

  "name": "Australian Survey of Social Attitudes 2014 - Citizenship",
  "description": "The Australian Survey of Social Attitudes (AuSSA) is Australia’s main source of data for the scientific study of the social attitudes, beliefs and opinions of Australians, how they change over time, and how they compare with other societies. The survey is used to help researchers better understand how Australians think and feel about their lives. It produces important information about the changing views and attitudes of Australians as we move through the 21st century. Similar surveys are run in other countries, so data from the AuSSA also allows us to compare Australia with countries all over the world. The aims of the survey are to discover: the range of Australians’ views on topics that are important to all of us; how these views differ for people in different circumstances; how they have changed over the past quarter century; and how they compare with people in other countries. AuSSA is also the Australian component of the International Social Survey Project (ISSP). The ISSP is a cross-national collaboration on surveys covering important topics. Each year, survey researchers in some 40 countries each do a national survey using the same questions. The ISSP focuses on a special topic each year, repeating that topic from time to time. The topic for 2014 is 'Citizenship'. This is the second time this has been the topic of the survey, having previously been the theme for surveys in 2004.\n\n\n## Table of variables\nThis table contains variable names, labels, and number of missing values.\nSee the complete codebook for more.\n\n[truncated]\n\n### Note\nThis dataset was automatically described using the [codebook R package]( (version",
  "identifier": "doi:10.26193/C86EZG",
  "datePublished": "2021-10-26",
  "creator": {
    "@type": "Person",
    "givenName": "Adam",
    "familyName": "Zammit",
    "email": "",
    "affiliation": {
      "@type": "Organization",
      "name": "Australian Consortium for Social and Political Research Incorporated (ACSPRI)"
  "citation": "ACSPRI (2021). AuSSA 2014 Codebook.",
  "url": "",
  "temporalCoverage": "2014",
  "spatialCoverage": "Australia",
  "keywords": ["A1A", "A1B", "A1C", "A1D", "A1E", "A1F", "A1G", "A1H", "A1I", "A2", "A3", "A4", "A5A", "A5B", "A5C", "A5D", "A5E", "A5F", "A5G", "A5H", "A6", "A7", "A8A", "A8B", "A8C", "A8D", "A8E", "A9A", "A9B", "A9C", "A9D", "A9E", "A9F", "A9G", "A9H", "A9I", "A10A", "A10B", "A10C", "A10D", "A11", "A12", "A13", "A14", "A15A", "A15B", "A16", "A17", "A18", "A19", "A201", "A202", "A203", "A21", "A22", "A23", "A24", "A25A", "A25B", "A25C", "A26A", "A26B", "A26C", "A26D", "B1", "B2", "B3", "B4", "B5", "C1A", "C1B", "C1C", "C2A", "C2B", "C2C", "C2D", "C2E", "C2F", "C2G", "C2H", "C2I", "C3A", "C3B", "C3C", "C3D", "C3E", "C3F", "C3G", "C3H", "C3I", "C3J", "C3K", "C3L", "C3M", "C4", "C5", "C6A", "C6B", "C6C", "C6D", "D1", "D2", "D5", "D6", "D7", "D8", "D12", "D13", "D14ANZSCO1", "D16ANZSIC1", "D17", "D27", "D28", "D29", "D30", "D31", "D32", "D33", "D34", "D34SACC1", "D35", "D35SACC1", "D36", "D36SACC1", "D38", "D40", "D41", "D42", "D43", "D44", "D45", "D46", "state"],
  "@context": "",
  "@type": "Dataset",
  "variableMeasured": [
      "name": "A1A",
      "description": "There are different opinions as to what it takes to be a good citizen.  As far as you are concerned personally on a scale of 1 to 7, where 1 is not at all important and 7 is very important, how important is it: : Always to vote in elections",
      "value": "1. Not at all important 1,\n2. 2,\n3. 3,\n4. 4,\n5. 5,\n6. 6,\n7. Very important 7,\n8. Cant choose",
      "maxValue": 8,
      "minValue": 1,
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "A1B",
      "description": "There are different opinions as to what it takes to be a good citizen.  As far as you are concerned personally on a scale of 1 to 7, where 1 is not at all important and 7 is very important, how important is it: : Never to try to evade taxes",
      "value": "1. Not at all important 1,\n2. 2,\n3. 3,\n4. 4,\n5. 5,\n6. 6,\n7. Very important 7,\n8. Cant choose",
      "maxValue": 8,
      "minValue": 1,
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "A1C",
      "description": "There are different opinions as to what it takes to be a good citizen.  As far as you are concerned personally on a scale of 1 to 7, where 1 is not at all important and 7 is very important, how important is it: : Always to obey laws and regulations",
      "value": "1. Not at all important 1,\n2. 2,\n3. 3,\n4. 4,\n5. 5,\n6. 6,\n7. Very important 7,\n8. Cant choose",
      "maxValue": 8,
      "minValue": 1,
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "A1D",
      "description": "There are different opinions as to what it takes to be a good citizen.  As far as you are concerned personally on a scale of 1 to 7, where 1 is not at all important and 7 is very important, how important is it: : To keep watch on the actions of gove",
      "value": "1. Not at all important 1,\n2. 2,\n3. 3,\n4. 4,\n5. 5,\n6. 6,\n7. Very important 7,\n8. Cant choose",
      "maxValue": 8,
      "minValue": 1,
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "A1E",
      "description": "There are different opinions as to what it takes to be a good citizen.  As far as you are concerned personally on a scale of 1 to 7, where 1 is not at all important and 7 is very important, how important is it: : To be active in social or political",
      "value": "1. Not at all important 1,\n2. 2,\n3. 3,\n4. 4,\n5. 5,\n6. 6,\n7. Very important 7,\n8. Cant choose",
      "maxValue": 8,
      "minValue": 1,
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "A1F",
      "description": "There are different opinions as to what it takes to be a good citizen.  As far as you are concerned personally on a scale of 1 to 7, where 1 is not at all important and 7 is very important, how important is it: : To try to understand the reasoning o",
      "value": "1. Not at all important 1,\n2. 2,\n3. 3,\n4. 4,\n5. 5,\n6. 6,\n7. Very important 7,\n8. Cant choose",
      "maxValue": 8,
      "minValue": 1,
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "A1G",
      "description": "There are different opinions as to what it takes to be a good citizen.  As far as you are concerned personally on a scale of 1 to 7, where 1 is not at all important and 7 is very important, how important is it: : To choose products for political, et",
      "value": "1. Not at all important 1,\n2. 2,\n3. 3,\n4. 4,\n5. 5,\n6. 6,\n7. Very important 7,\n8. Cant choose",
      "maxValue": 8,
      "minValue": 1,
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "A1H",
      "description": "There are different opinions as to what it takes to be a good citizen.  As far as you are concerned personally on a scale of 1 to 7, where 1 is not at all important and 7 is very important, how important is it: : To help people in Australia who are",
      "value": "1. Not at all important 1,\n2. 2,\n3. 3,\n4. 4,\n5. 5,\n6. 6,\n7. Very important 7,\n8. Cant choose",
      "maxValue": 8,
      "minValue": 1,
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "A1I",
      "description": "There are different opinions as to what it takes to be a good citizen.  As far as you are concerned personally on a scale of 1 to 7, where 1 is not at all important and 7 is very important, how important is it: : To help people in the rest of the wo",
      "value": "1. Not at all important 1,\n2. 2,\n3. 3,\n4. 4,\n5. 5,\n6. 6,\n7. Very important 7,\n8. Cant choose",
      "maxValue": 8,
      "minValue": 1,
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "A2",
      "description": "There are a number of groups in society. What do you think about the following groups holding public meetings?\tShould religious extremists be allowed to hold public meetings?  :",
      "value": "1. Should definitely be allowed,\n2. Should probably be allowed,\n3. Should probably not be allowed,\n4. Should definitely not be allowed,\n5. Cant choose",
      "maxValue": 5,
      "minValue": 1,
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "A3",
      "description": "Should people who want to overthrow the government by force be allowed to hold public meetings? :",
      "value": "1. Should definitely be allowed,\n2. Should probably be allowed,\n3. Should probably not be allowed,\n4. Should definitely not be allowed,\n5. Cant choose",
      "maxValue": 5,
      "minValue": 1,
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "A4",
      "description": "Should people prejudiced against any racial or ethnic group be allowed to hold public meetings? :",
      "value": "1. Should definitely be allowed,\n2. Should probably be allowed,\n3. Should probably not be allowed,\n4. Should definitely not be allowed,\n5. Cant choose",
      "maxValue": 5,
      "minValue": 1,
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "A5A",
      "description": "Here are some different forms of political and social action that people can take. Please indicate, for each one,whether you have done any of these things in the past year,whether you have done it in the more distant past,whether you have not done i",
      "value": "1. Have done it in the past year,\n2. Have done it in the more distant past,\n3. Have not done it but might do it,\n4. Have not done it and would never do it,\n5. Can’t choose",
      "maxValue": 5,
      "minValue": 1,
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "A5B",
      "description": "Here are some different forms of political and social action that people can take. Please indicate, for each one,whether you have done any of these things in the past year,whether you have done it in the more distant past,whether you have not done i",
      "value": "1. Have done it in the past year,\n2. Have done it in the more distant past,\n3. Have not done it but might do it,\n4. Have not done it and would never do it,\n5. Can’t choose",
      "maxValue": 5,
      "minValue": 1,
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "A5C",
      "description": "Here are some different forms of political and social action that people can take. Please indicate, for each one,whether you have done any of these things in the past year,whether you have done it in the more distant past,whether you have not done i",
      "value": "1. Have done it in the past year,\n2. Have done it in the more distant past,\n3. Have not done it but might do it,\n4. Have not done it and would never do it,\n5. Can’t choose",
      "maxValue": 5,
      "minValue": 1,
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "A5D",
      "description": "Here are some different forms of political and social action that people can take. Please indicate, for each one,whether you have done any of these things in the past year,whether you have done it in the more distant past,whether you have not done i",
      "value": "1. Have done it in the past year,\n2. Have done it in the more distant past,\n3. Have not done it but might do it,\n4. Have not done it and would never do it,\n5. Can’t choose",
      "maxValue": 5,
      "minValue": 1,
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "A5E",
      "description": "Here are some different forms of political and social action that people can take. Please indicate, for each one,whether you have done any of these things in the past year,whether you have done it in the more distant past,whether you have not done i",
      "value": "1. Have done it in the past year,\n2. Have done it in the more distant past,\n3. Have not done it but might do it,\n4. Have not done it and would never do it,\n5. Can’t choose",
      "maxValue": 5,
      "minValue": 1,
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "A5F",
      "description": "Here are some different forms of political and social action that people can take. Please indicate, for each one,whether you have done any of these things in the past year,whether you have done it in the more distant past,whether you have not done i",
      "value": "1. Have done it in the past year,\n2. Have done it in the more distant past,\n3. Have not done it but might do it,\n4. Have not done it and would never do it,\n5. Can’t choose",
      "maxValue": 5,
      "minValue": 1,
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "A5G",
      "description": "Here are some different forms of political and social action that people can take. Please indicate, for each one,whether you have done any of these things in the past year,whether you have done it in the more distant past,whether you have not done i",
      "value": "1. Have done it in the past year,\n2. Have done it in the more distant past,\n3. Have not done it but might do it,\n4. Have not done it and would never do it,\n5. Can’t choose",
      "maxValue": 5,
      "minValue": 1,
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "A5H",
      "description": "Here are some different forms of political and social action that people can take. Please indicate, for each one,whether you have done any of these things in the past year,whether you have done it in the more distant past,whether you have not done i",
      "value": "1. Have done it in the past year,\n2. Have done it in the more distant past,\n3. Have not done it but might do it,\n4. Have not done it and would never do it,\n5. Can’t choose",
      "maxValue": 5,
      "minValue": 1,
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "A6",
      "description": "How often do you use the media, including television, newspapers, radio and the internet, to get political news or information? :",
      "value": "1. Several times a day,\n2. Once a day,\n3. 5-6 days a week,\n4. 3-4 days a week,\n5. 1-2 days a week,\n6. Less than 1 day a week,\n7. Never,\n8. Can’t choose",
      "maxValue": 8,
      "minValue": 1,
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "A7",
      "description": "On average, about how many people do you have contact with in a typical week day, including people you live with. :",
      "value": "1. 0-4 persons,\n2. 5-9,\n3. 10-19,\n4. 20-49,\n5. 50 or more,\n6. Can’t choose",
      "maxValue": 6,
      "minValue": 1,
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "A8A",
      "description": "People sometimes belong to different kinds of groups or associations.  For each type of group, please indicate whether you, belong and actively participate, belong but don’t actively participate, used to belong but do not any more, or have never b",
      "value": "1. Belong and actively participate,\n2. Belong but don’t participate,\n3. Used to belong,\n4. Never belonged,\n5. Can’t Choose",
      "maxValue": 5,
      "minValue": 1,
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "A8B",
      "description": "People sometimes belong to different kinds of groups or associations.  For each type of group, please indicate whether you, belong and actively participate, belong but don’t actively participate, used to belong but do not any more, or have never b",
      "value": "1. Belong and actively participate,\n2. Belong but don’t participate,\n3. Used to belong,\n4. Never belonged,\n5. Can’t Choose",
      "maxValue": 5,
      "minValue": 1,
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "A8C",
      "description": "People sometimes belong to different kinds of groups or associations.  For each type of group, please indicate whether you, belong and actively participate, belong but don’t actively participate, used to belong but do not any more, or have never b",
      "value": "1. Belong and actively participate,\n2. Belong but don’t participate,\n3. Used to belong,\n4. Never belonged,\n5. Can’t Choose",
      "maxValue": 5,
      "minValue": 1,
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "A8D",
      "description": "People sometimes belong to different kinds of groups or associations.  For each type of group, please indicate whether you, belong and actively participate, belong but don’t actively participate, used to belong but do not any more, or have never b",
      "value": "1. Belong and actively participate,\n2. Belong but don’t participate,\n3. Used to belong,\n4. Never belonged,\n5. Can’t Choose",
      "maxValue": 5,
      "minValue": 1,
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "A8E",
      "description": "People sometimes belong to different kinds of groups or associations.  For each type of group, please indicate whether you, belong and actively participate, belong but don’t actively participate, used to belong but do not any more, or have never b",
      "value": "1. Belong and actively participate,\n2. Belong but don’t participate,\n3. Used to belong,\n4. Never belonged,\n5. Can’t Choose",
      "maxValue": 5,
      "minValue": 1,
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "A9A",
      "description": "There are different opinions about peoples rights in a democracy.  On a scale of 1 to 7, where 1 is not at all important and 7 is very important, how important is it: : That all citizens have an adequate standard of  living",
      "value": "1. Not at all Important 1,\n2. 2,\n3. 3,\n4. 4,\n5. 5,\n6. 6,\n7. Very Important 7,\n8. Cant Choose",
      "maxValue": 8,
      "minValue": 1,
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "A9B",
      "description": "There are different opinions about peoples rights in a democracy.  On a scale of 1 to 7, where 1 is not at all important and 7 is very important, how important is it: : That government authorities respect and protect the rights of minorities",
      "value": "1. Not at all Important 1,\n2. 2,\n3. 3,\n4. 4,\n5. 5,\n6. 6,\n7. Very Important 7,\n8. Cant Choose",
      "maxValue": 8,
      "minValue": 1,
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "A9C",
      "description": "There are different opinions about peoples rights in a democracy.  On a scale of 1 to 7, where 1 is not at all important and 7 is very important, how important is it: : That people be given more opportunities to participate in public decision-makin",
      "value": "1. Not at all Important 1,\n2. 2,\n3. 3,\n4. 4,\n5. 5,\n6. 6,\n7. Very Important 7,\n8. Cant Choose",
      "maxValue": 8,
      "minValue": 1,
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "A9D",
      "description": "There are different opinions about peoples rights in a democracy.  On a scale of 1 to 7, where 1 is not at all important and 7 is very important, how important is it: : That citizens may engage in acts of civil disobedience when they oppose governm",
      "value": "1. Not at all Important 1,\n2. 2,\n3. 3,\n4. 4,\n5. 5,\n6. 6,\n7. Very Important 7,\n8. Cant Choose",
      "maxValue": 8,
      "minValue": 1,
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "A9E",
      "description": "There are different opinions about peoples rights in a democracy.  On a scale of 1 to 7, where 1 is not at all important and 7 is very important, how important is it: : That governments respect democratic rights whatever the circumstances",
      "value": "1. Not at all Important 1,\n2. 2,\n3. 3,\n4. 4,\n5. 5,\n6. 6,\n7. Very Important 7,\n8. Cant Choose",
      "maxValue": 8,
      "minValue": 1,
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "A9F",
      "description": "There are different opinions about peoples rights in a democracy.  On a scale of 1 to 7, where 1 is not at all important and 7 is very important, how important is it: : That people convicted of serious crimes lose their citizen rights",
      "value": "1. Not at all Important 1,\n2. 2,\n3. 3,\n4. 4,\n5. 5,\n6. 6,\n7. Very Important 7,\n8. Cant Choose",
      "maxValue": 8,
      "minValue": 1,
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "A9G",
      "description": "There are different opinions about peoples rights in a democracy.  On a scale of 1 to 7, where 1 is not at all important and 7 is very important, how important is it: : That long-term residents of a country, who are not citizens, have the right to",
      "value": "1. Not at all Important 1,\n2. 2,\n3. 3,\n4. 4,\n5. 5,\n6. 6,\n7. Very Important 7,\n8. Cant Choose",
      "maxValue": 8,
      "minValue": 1,
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "A9H",
      "description": "There are different opinions about peoples rights in a democracy.  On a scale of 1 to 7, where 1 is not at all important and 7 is very important, how important is it: : That citizens have the right NOT to vote",
      "value": "1. Not at all Important 1,\n2. 2,\n3. 3,\n4. 4,\n5. 5,\n6. 6,\n7. Very Important 7,\n8. Cant Choose",
      "maxValue": 8,
      "minValue": 1,
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "A9I",
      "description": "There are different opinions about peoples rights in a democracy.  On a scale of 1 to 7, where 1 is not at all important and 7 is very important, how important is it: : That health care be provided for everyone",
      "value": "1. Not at all Important 1,\n2. 2,\n3. 3,\n4. 4,\n5. 5,\n6. 6,\n7. Very Important 7,\n8. Cant Choose",
      "maxValue": 8,
      "minValue": 1,
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "A10A",
      "description": "To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements? : People like me don’t have any say about what the government does",
      "value": "1. Strongly Agree,\n2. Agree,\n3. Neither Agree nor Disagree,\n4. Disagree,\n5. Strongly Disagree,\n6. Can’t Choose",
      "maxValue": 6,
      "minValue": 1,
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "A10B",
      "description": "To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements? : I don’t think the government cares much what people like me think",
      "value": "1. Strongly Agree,\n2. Agree,\n3. Neither Agree nor Disagree,\n4. Disagree,\n5. Strongly Disagree,\n6. Can’t Choose",
      "maxValue": 6,
      "minValue": 1,
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "A10C",
      "description": "To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements? : I feel I have a pretty good understanding of the important political issues facing Australia",
      "value": "1. Strongly Agree,\n2. Agree,\n3. Neither Agree nor Disagree,\n4. Disagree,\n5. Strongly Disagree,\n6. Can’t Choose",
      "maxValue": 6,
      "minValue": 1,
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "A10D",
      "description": "To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements? : I think most people in Australia are better informed about politics and government than I am",
      "value": "1. Strongly Agree,\n2. Agree,\n3. Neither Agree nor Disagree,\n4. Disagree,\n5. Strongly Disagree,\n6. Can’t Choose",
      "maxValue": 6,
      "minValue": 1,
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "A11",
      "description": "Suppose a law were being considered by federal parliament that you considered to be unjust or harmful.\tIf such a case arose, how likely is it that you, acting alone or together with others, would be able to try to do something about it? :",
      "value": "1. Very likely,\n2. Fairly likely,\n3. Not very likely,\n4. Not at all likely,\n5. Can’t choose",
      "maxValue": 5,
      "minValue": 1,
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "A12",
      "description": "If you made such an effort, how likely is it that federal parliament would give serious attention to your demands? \t  :",
      "value": "1. Very likely,\n2. Fairly likely,\n3. Not very likely,\n4. Not at all likely,\n5. Can’t choose",
      "maxValue": 5,
      "minValue": 1,
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "A13",
      "description": "How interested would you say you personally are in politics? :",
      "value": "1. Very interested,\n2. Fairly interested,\n3. Not very interested,\n4. Not at all interested,\n5. Can’t choose",
      "maxValue": 5,
      "minValue": 1,
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "A14",
      "description": "In politics people sometimes talk of left and right. Where would you place yourself on a scale from 0 to 10 where 0 means the left and 10 means the right?\t  :",
      "value": "0. Left 0,\n1. 1,\n2. 2,\n3. 3,\n4. 4,\n5. 5,\n6. 6,\n7. 7,\n8. 8,\n9. 9,\n10. Right 10,\n11. Cant choose",
      "maxValue": 11,
      "minValue": 0,
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "A15A",
      "description": "To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements? : Most of the time we can trust people in government to do what is right",
      "value": "1. Strongly Agree,\n2. Agree,\n3. Neither Agree nor Disagree,\n4. Disagree,\n5. Strongly Disagree,\n6. Can’t Choose",
      "maxValue": 6,
      "minValue": 1,
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "A15B",
      "description": "To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements? : Most politicians are in politics only for what they can get out of it personally",
      "value": "1. Strongly Agree,\n2. Agree,\n3. Neither Agree nor Disagree,\n4. Disagree,\n5. Strongly Disagree,\n6. Can’t Choose",
      "maxValue": 6,
      "minValue": 1,
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "A16",
      "description": "How often do you think that people would try to take advantage of you if they got the chance, and how often would they try to be fair? \t  :",
      "value": "1. Try to take advantage almost all of the time,\n2. Try to take advantage most of the time,\n3. Try to be fair most of the time,\n4. Try to be fair almost all of the time,\n5. Can’t Choose",
      "maxValue": 5,
      "minValue": 1,
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "A17",
      "description": "Generally speaking, would you say that people can be trusted or that you can’t be too careful in dealing with people? :",
      "value": "1. People can almost always be trusted,\n2. People can usually be trusted,\n3. You usually can’t be too careful in dealing with people,\n4. You almost always can’t be too careful in dealing with people,\n5. Can’t Choose",
      "maxValue": 5,
      "minValue": 1,
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "A18",
      "description": "When you get together with your friends, relatives or fellow workers, how often do you discuss politics? :",
      "value": "1. Often,\n2. Sometimes,\n3. Rarely,\n4. Never,\n5. Can’t choose",
      "maxValue": 5,
      "minValue": 1,
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "A19",
      "description": "When you hold a strong opinion about politics, how often do you try to persuade your friends, relatives or fellow workers to share your views? :",
      "value": "1. Often,\n2. Sometimes,\n3. Rarely,\n4. Never,\n5. Can’t choose",
      "maxValue": 5,
      "minValue": 1,
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "A201",
      "description": "Thinking now about politics in Australia, to what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements? : Political parties encourage people to become active in politics",
      "value": "1. Strongly Agree,\n2. Agree,\n3. Neither Agree nor Disagree,\n4. Disagree,\n5. Strongly Disagree,\n6. Can’t Choose",
      "maxValue": 6,
      "minValue": 1,
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "A202",
      "description": "Thinking now about politics in Australia, to what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements? : Political parties do not give voters real policy choices",
      "value": "1. Strongly Agree,\n2. Agree,\n3. Neither Agree nor Disagree,\n4. Disagree,\n5. Strongly Disagree,\n6. Can’t Choose",
      "maxValue": 6,
      "minValue": 1,
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "A203",
      "description": "Thinking now about politics in Australia, to what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements? : Referendums are a good way to decide important political questions.",
      "value": "1. Strongly Agree,\n2. Agree,\n3. Neither Agree nor Disagree,\n4. Disagree,\n5. Strongly Disagree,\n6. Can’t Choose",
      "maxValue": 6,
      "minValue": 1,
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "A21",
      "description": "Thinking of the last national election in Australia, how honest was it regarding the counting and reporting of the votes? \t  :",
      "value": "1. Very honest,\n2. Somewhat honest,\n3. Neither honest nor dishonest,\n4. Somewhat dishonest,\n5. Very dishonest,\n6. Can’t choose",
      "maxValue": 6,
      "minValue": 1,
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "A22",
      "description": "Thinking of the last national election in Australia, how fair was it regarding the opportunities of the candidates and parties to campaign? :",
      "value": "1. Very fair,\n2. Somewhat fair,\n3. Neither fair nor unfair,\n4. Somewhat unfair,\n5. Very unfair,\n6. Can’t choose",
      "maxValue": 6,
      "minValue": 1,
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "A23",
      "description": "Thinking of the public service in Australia, how committed is it to serve the people? :",
      "value": "1. Very committed,\n2. Somewhat committed,\n3. Not very committed,\n4. Not at all committed,\n5. Can’t choose",
      "maxValue": 5,
      "minValue": 1,
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "A24",
      "description": "How widespread do you think corruption is in the public service in Australia? :",
      "value": "1. Hardly anyone is involved,\n2. A small number of people are involved,\n3. A moderate number of people are involved,\n4. A lot of people are involved,\n5. Almost everyone is involved,\n6. Can’t choose",
      "maxValue": 6,
      "minValue": 1,
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "A25A",
      "description": "On the whole, on a scale of 0 to 10 where 0 is very poorly and 10 is very well. : How well does democracy work in Australia today?",
      "value": "0. Very Poorly0,\n1. 1,\n2. 2,\n3. 3,\n4. 4,\n5. 5,\n6. 6,\n7. 7,\n8. 8,\n9. 9,\n10. Very Well 10,\n11. Cant choose",
      "maxValue": 11,
      "minValue": 0,
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "A25B",
      "description": "On the whole, on a scale of 0 to 10 where 0 is very poorly and 10 is very well. : And what about 10 years ago?  How well did democracy work in Australia then?",
      "value": "0. Very Poorly0,\n1. 1,\n2. 2,\n3. 3,\n4. 4,\n5. 5,\n6. 6,\n7. 7,\n8. 8,\n9. 9,\n10. Very Well 10,\n11. Cant choose",
      "maxValue": 11,
      "minValue": 0,
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "A25C",
      "description": "On the whole, on a scale of 0 to 10 where 0 is very poorly and 10 is very well. : And how about 10 years from now?  How well do you think democracy will work in Australia then?",
      "value": "0. Very Poorly0,\n1. 1,\n2. 2,\n3. 3,\n4. 4,\n5. 5,\n6. 6,\n7. 7,\n8. 8,\n9. 9,\n10. Very Well 10,\n11. Cant choose",
      "maxValue": 11,
      "minValue": 0,
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "A26A",
      "description": "On average, how often do you: : Read the political content of a newspaper",
      "value": "1. Several times a day,\n2. Once a day,\n3. 5-6 days a week,\n4. 3-4 days a week,\n5. 1-2 days a week,\n6. Less than 1 day a week,\n7. Never,\n8. Can’t choose",
      "maxValue": 8,
      "minValue": 1,
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "A26B",
      "description": "On average, how often do you: : Watch political news on television",
      "value": "1. Several times a day,\n2. Once a day,\n3. 5-6 days a week,\n4. 3-4 days a week,\n5. 1-2 days a week,\n6. Less than 1 day a week,\n7. Never,\n8. Can’t choose",
      "maxValue": 8,
      "minValue": 1,
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "A26C",
      "description": "On average, how often do you: : Listen to political news on the radio",
      "value": "1. Several times a day,\n2. Once a day,\n3. 5-6 days a week,\n4. 3-4 days a week,\n5. 1-2 days a week,\n6. Less than 1 day a week,\n7. Never,\n8. Can’t choose",
      "maxValue": 8,
      "minValue": 1,
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "A26D",
      "description": "On average, how often do you: : Use the Internet to get political news or information",
      "value": "1. Several times a day,\n2. Once a day,\n3. 5-6 days a week,\n4. 3-4 days a week,\n5. 1-2 days a week,\n6. Less than 1 day a week,\n7. Never,\n8. Can’t choose",
      "maxValue": 8,
      "minValue": 1,
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "B1",
      "description": "How much do you feel you understand about climate change - would you say a great deal, a moderate amount, only a little, or nothing at all? :",
      "value": "1. A great deal,\n2. A moderate amount,\n3. Only a little,\n4. Nothing at all",
      "maxValue": 4,
      "minValue": 1,
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "B2",
      "description": "Which of the following statements do you personally believe? :",
      "value": "1. Climate change is happening now, and is caused mainly by human activities,\n2. Climate change is happening now, but is caused mainly by natural forces,\n3. Climate change is not happening now,\n4. I dont know whether climate change is happening or not",
      "maxValue": 4,
      "minValue": 1,
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "B3",
      "description": "How serious a threat do you think climate change will pose to you or your way of life in your lifetime? :",
      "value": "1. Very serious,\n2. Fairly serious,\n3. Not very serious,\n4. Not at all serious",
      "maxValue": 4,
      "minValue": 1,
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "B4",
      "description": "How about people born in 2014? How serious a threat do you think climate change will pose to them or their way of life during their lifetime? :",
      "value": "1. Very serious,\n2. Fairly serious,\n3. Not very serious,\n4. Not at all serious",
      "maxValue": 4,
      "minValue": 1,
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "B5",
      "description": "Which of the following statements do you think is more accurate? :",
      "value": "1. Most scientists agree that climate change is happening now, caused mainly by human activities.,\n2. There is little agreement among scientists that climate change is happening now, caused mainly by human activities.",
      "maxValue": 2,
      "minValue": 1,
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "C1A",
      "description": "On a scale of 1 to 7, where 1 is not at all important and 7 is very important... : How important to you is being an Australian citizen or resident?",
      "value": "1. Not at all important 1,\n2. 2,\n3. 3,\n4. 4,\n5. 5,\n6. 6,\n7. Very important 7,\n8. Cant choose",
      "maxValue": 8,
      "minValue": 1,
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "C1B",
      "description": "On a scale of 1 to 7, where 1 is not at all important and 7 is very important... : How important do you think the Anzac heritage is for Australia’s national identity?",
      "value": "1. Not at all important 1,\n2. 2,\n3. 3,\n4. 4,\n5. 5,\n6. 6,\n7. Very important 7,\n8. Cant choose",
      "maxValue": 8,
      "minValue": 1,
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "C1C",
      "description": "On a scale of 1 to 7, where 1 is not at all important and 7 is very important... : How important is the Anzac heritage to your own sense of what it means to be Australian?",
      "value": "1. Not at all important 1,\n2. 2,\n3. 3,\n4. 4,\n5. 5,\n6. 6,\n7. Very important 7,\n8. Cant choose",
      "maxValue": 8,
      "minValue": 1,
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "C2A",
      "description": "To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements? : The Australia that you know and love isn’t changing too fast, and will never change.",
      "value": "1. Strongly agree,\n2. Agree,\n3. Disagree,\n4. Strongly disagree",
      "maxValue": 4,
      "minValue": 1,
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "C2B",
      "description": "To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements? : There are forces in Australian society that may be changing the country for the worse.",
      "value": "1. Strongly agree,\n2. Agree,\n3. Disagree,\n4. Strongly disagree",
      "maxValue": 4,
      "minValue": 1,
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "C2C",
      "description": "To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements? : Most people in Australia dont realise how much our lives are controlled by plots hatched in secret places.",
      "value": "1. Strongly agree,\n2. Agree,\n3. Disagree,\n4. Strongly disagree",
      "maxValue": 4,
      "minValue": 1,
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "C2D",
      "description": "To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements? : The people that really run Australia are known to everyone.",
      "value": "1. Strongly agree,\n2. Agree,\n3. Disagree,\n4. Strongly disagree",
      "maxValue": 4,
      "minValue": 1,
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "C2E",
      "description": "To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements? : I often feel that the really important matters in Australia are decided by people we never even hear about.",
      "value": "1. Strongly agree,\n2. Agree,\n3. Disagree,\n4. Strongly disagree",
      "maxValue": 4,
      "minValue": 1,
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "C2F",
      "description": "To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements? : No sooner do most foreign immigrants get here than they try to bring Australia down by refusing to abide by our laws.",
      "value": "1. Strongly agree,\n2. Agree,\n3. Disagree,\n4. Strongly disagree",
      "maxValue": 4,
      "minValue": 1,
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "C2G",
      "description": "To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements? : The true Australian way if life is disappearing so fast that we may have to use force to save it.",
      "value": "1. Strongly agree,\n2. Agree,\n3. Disagree,\n4. Strongly disagree",
      "maxValue": 4,
      "minValue": 1,
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "C2H",
      "description": "To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements? : Regardless of what some people say, racial background has no bearing on who can be a real Australian.",
      "value": "1. Strongly agree,\n2. Agree,\n3. Disagree,\n4. Strongly disagree",
      "maxValue": 4,
      "minValue": 1,
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "C2I",
      "description": "To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements? : I am afraid there isnt going to be as much freedom in Australia as time goes on.",
      "value": "1. Strongly agree,\n2. Agree,\n3. Disagree,\n4. Strongly disagree",
      "maxValue": 4,
      "minValue": 1,
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "C3A",
      "description": "How much confidence do you have in the following organisations? : The defence forces",
      "value": "1. A great deal of confidence,\n2. Quite a lot of confidence,\n3. Not very much confidence,\n4. No confidence at all,\n5. Cant choose",
      "maxValue": 5,
      "minValue": 1,
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "C3B",
      "description": "How much confidence do you have in the following organisations? : The Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC)",
      "value": "1. A great deal of confidence,\n2. Quite a lot of confidence,\n3. Not very much confidence,\n4. No confidence at all,\n5. Cant choose",
      "maxValue": 5,
      "minValue": 1,
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "C3C",
      "description": "How much confidence do you have in the following organisations? : The unions",
      "value": "1. A great deal of confidence,\n2. Quite a lot of confidence,\n3. Not very much confidence,\n4. No confidence at all,\n5. Cant choose",
      "maxValue": 5,
      "minValue": 1,
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "C3D",
      "description": "How much confidence do you have in the following organisations? : The courts and the legal system",
      "value": "1. A great deal of confidence,\n2. Quite a lot of confidence,\n3. Not very much confidence,\n4. No confidence at all,\n5. Cant choose",
      "maxValue": 5,
      "minValue": 1,
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "C3E",
      "description": "How much confidence do you have in the following organisations? : The Federal parliament",
      "value": "1. A great deal of confidence,\n2. Quite a lot of confidence,\n3. Not very much confidence,\n4. No confidence at all,\n5. Cant choose",
      "maxValue": 5,
      "minValue": 1,
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "C3F",
      "description": "How much confidence do you have in the following organisations? : The public service",
      "value": "1. A great deal of confidence,\n2. Quite a lot of confidence,\n3. Not very much confidence,\n4. No confidence at all,\n5. Cant choose",
      "maxValue": 5,
      "minValue": 1,
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "C3G",
      "description": "How much confidence do you have in the following organisations? : Major Australian companies",
      "value": "1. A great deal of confidence,\n2. Quite a lot of confidence,\n3. Not very much confidence,\n4. No confidence at all,\n5. Cant choose",
      "maxValue": 5,
      "minValue": 1,
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "C3H",
      "description": "How much confidence do you have in the following organisations? : Banks and financial institutions",
      "value": "1. A great deal of confidence,\n2. Quite a lot of confidence,\n3. Not very much confidence,\n4. No confidence at all,\n5. Cant choose",
      "maxValue": 5,
      "minValue": 1,
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "C3I",
      "description": "How much confidence do you have in the following organisations? : Churches or religious institutions",
      "value": "1. A great deal of confidence,\n2. Quite a lot of confidence,\n3. Not very much confidence,\n4. No confidence at all,\n5. Cant choose",
      "maxValue": 5,
      "minValue": 1,
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "C3J",
      "description": "How much confidence do you have in the following organisations? : The police in my State or Territory",
      "value": "1. A great deal of confidence,\n2. Quite a lot of confidence,\n3. Not very much confidence,\n4. No confidence at all,\n5. Cant choose",
      "maxValue": 5,
      "minValue": 1,
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "C3K",
      "description": "How much confidence do you have in the following organisations? : Charities",
      "value": "1. A great deal of confidence,\n2. Quite a lot of confidence,\n3. Not very much confidence,\n4. No confidence at all,\n5. Cant choose",
      "maxValue": 5,
      "minValue": 1,
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "C3L",
      "description": "How much confidence do you have in the following organisations? : Universities",
      "value": "1. A great deal of confidence,\n2. Quite a lot of confidence,\n3. Not very much confidence,\n4. No confidence at all,\n5. Cant choose",
      "maxValue": 5,
      "minValue": 1,
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "C3M",
      "description": "How much confidence do you have in the following organisations? : Australias social welfare system",
      "value": "1. A great deal of confidence,\n2. Quite a lot of confidence,\n3. Not very much confidence,\n4. No confidence at all,\n5. Cant choose",
      "maxValue": 5,
      "minValue": 1,
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "C4",
      "description": "Which one of the following sources of information would you say you rely on MOST for your news and information? :",
      "value": "1. ABC and/or SBS television,\n2. Commercial television,\n3. ABC and/or SBS radio,\n4. Commercial radio (including talkback),\n5. Newspapers,\n6. Internet sites,\n7. News magazines,\n8. Friends and family",
      "maxValue": 8,
      "minValue": 1,
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "C5",
      "description": "Thinking about Federal government in Australia these days, would you say it is run for a few big interests looking out for themselves, or that it is run for the benefit of all the people? :",
      "value": "1. Entirely run for a few big interests,\n2. Mostly run for a few big interests,\n3. Mostly run for the benefit of all,\n4. Entirely run for the benefit of all,\n5. Cant choose",
      "maxValue": 5,
      "minValue": 1,
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "C6A",
      "description": "Thinking about the amount of power organisations have in Australia today, please say whether you think each of the following should have more power, less power or the same amount. : Big business",
      "value": "1. A lot more power,\n2. A bit more power,\n3. Same amount of power,\n4. A bit less power,\n5. A lot less power,\n6. Cant choose",
      "maxValue": 6,
      "minValue": 1,
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "C6B",
      "description": "Thinking about the amount of power organisations have in Australia today, please say whether you think each of the following should have more power, less power or the same amount. : The Federal government",
      "value": "1. A lot more power,\n2. A bit more power,\n3. Same amount of power,\n4. A bit less power,\n5. A lot less power,\n6. Cant choose",
      "maxValue": 6,
      "minValue": 1,
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "C6C",
      "description": "Thinking about the amount of power organisations have in Australia today, please say whether you think each of the following should have more power, less power or the same amount. : The mass media",
      "value": "1. A lot more power,\n2. A bit more power,\n3. Same amount of power,\n4. A bit less power,\n5. A lot less power,\n6. Cant choose",
      "maxValue": 6,
      "minValue": 1,
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "C6D",
      "description": "Thinking about the amount of power organisations have in Australia today, please say whether you think each of the following should have more power, less power or the same amount. : Unions",
      "value": "1. A lot more power,\n2. A bit more power,\n3. Same amount of power,\n4. A bit less power,\n5. A lot less power,\n6. Cant choose",
      "maxValue": 6,
      "minValue": 1,
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "D1",
      "description": "Are you ... :",
      "value": "1. Male,\n2. Female",
      "maxValue": 2,
      "minValue": 1,
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "D2",
      "description": "When were you born? : Year (YYYY)",
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "D5",
      "description": "What is the highest year of schooling you have completed? :",
      "value": "1. Year 12 or equivalent,\n2. Year 11 or equivalent,\n3. Year 10 or equivalent,\n4. Completed primary school,\n5. Completed pre-primary school,\n6. Did not go to school",
      "maxValue": 6,
      "minValue": 1,
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "D6",
      "description": "What is the highest educational qualification you have completed outside of school? :",
      "value": "1. Doctorate by research,\n2. Doctorate by coursework,\n3. Masters Degree,\n4. Graduate Diploma,\n5. Graduate Certificate,\n6. Bachelor Degree,\n7. Advanced Diploma or Associate Degree,\n8. Diploma,\n9. Certificate IV,\n10. Certificate III,\n11. Certificate II,\n12. Certificate I,\n13. No post-school qualification",
      "maxValue": 13,
      "minValue": 1,
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "D7",
      "description": "Which of the following sexual orientations do you identify with? :",
      "value": "1. Straight (Heterosexual),\n2. Gay/Lesbian,\n3. Bisexual,\n4. Other,\n5. Rather not answer",
      "maxValue": 5,
      "minValue": 1,
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "D8",
      "description": "Are you currently working for pay, did you work for pay in the past, or have you never been in paid work? :",
      "value": "1. I am currently in paid work,\n2. I am currently not in paid work but I had paid work in the past,\n3. I have never had paid work",
      "maxValue": 3,
      "minValue": 1,
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "D12",
      "description": "Do/did you work for a for-profit organisation or for a non-profit organisation? :",
      "value": "1. I work/ed for a for-profit organisation,\n2. I work/ed for a non-profit organisation",
      "maxValue": 2,
      "minValue": 1,
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "D13",
      "description": "Do/did you work for a public or a private employer? :",
      "value": "1. Public employer,\n2. Private employer",
      "maxValue": 2,
      "minValue": 1,
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "D14ANZSCO1",
      "description": "Code for group: ANZSCO2013v1.2 Level: 0",
      "value": "0. Operational codes (Aus),\n1. Managers,\n2. Professionals,\n3. Technicians and Trades Workers,\n4. Community and Personal Service Workers,\n5. Clerical and Administrative Workers,\n6. Sales Workers,\n7. Machinery Operators and Drivers,\n8. Labourers,\n9. Operational codes (NZ)",
      "maxValue": 9,
      "minValue": 0,
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "D16ANZSIC1",
      "description": "Code for D16: ANZSIC Level 0",
      "value": "1. Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing,\n2. Mining,\n3. Manufacturing,\n4. Electricity, Gas, Water and Waste Services,\n5. Construction,\n6. Wholesale Trade,\n7. Retail Trade,\n8. Accommodation and Food Services,\n9. Transport, Postal and Warehousing,\n10. Information Media and Telecommunications,\n11. Financial and Insurance Services,\n12. Rental, Hiring and Real Estate Services,\n13. Professional, Scientific and Technical Services,\n14. Administrative and Support Services,\n15. Public Administration and Safety,\n16. Education and Training,\n17. Health Care and Social Assistance,\n18. Arts and Recreation Services,\n19. Other Services,\n20. Blank,\n21. Not codeable",
      "maxValue": 21,
      "minValue": 1,
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "D17",
      "description": "Which of the following best describes your current situation? :",
      "value": "1. In paid work (as an employee, self-employed, or working for your own family’s business),\n2. Unemployed and looking for a job,\n3. In education (not paid for by employer), in school/student/pupil even if on vacation,\n4. Apprentice or trainee,\n5. Permanently sick or disabled,\n6. Retired,\n7. Doing housework, looking after the home, children or other persons,\n9. Other",
      "maxValue": 9,
      "minValue": 1,
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "D27",
      "description": "Are you or have you ever been a member of a trade union or similar organisation?  If yes: is that currently or only previously? :",
      "value": "1. Yes, currently,\n2. Yes, previously but not currently,\n3. No, never",
      "maxValue": 3,
      "minValue": 1,
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "D28",
      "description": "Do you belong to a religion and, if yes, which religion do you belong to? :",
      "value": "1. No religion,\n2. Catholic,\n3. Protestant,\n4. Anglican/Church of England,\n5. Uniting Church/Methodist,\n6. Pentecostal,\n7. Orthodox,\n8. Other Christian,\n9. Jewish,\n10. Islamic,\n11. Buddhist,\n12. Hindu,\n13. Other Asian religions,\n14. Other religions - Please specify",
      "maxValue": 14,
      "minValue": 1,
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "D29",
      "description": "Apart from such special occasions as weddings, funerals, etc., how often do you attend religious services? :",
      "value": "1. Several times a week or more often,\n2. Once a week,\n3. 2 or 3 times a month,\n4. Once a month,\n5. Several times a year,\n6. Once a year,\n7. Less frequently than once a year,\n8. Never",
      "maxValue": 8,
      "minValue": 1,
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "D30",
      "description": "In our society, there are groups which tend to be towards the top and groups which tend to be towards the bottom.Below is a scale that runs from the top to the bottom.Where would you put yourself on this scale? :",
      "value": "1. Top - 10,\n2. 9,\n3. 8,\n4. 7,\n5. 6,\n6. 5,\n7. 4,\n8. 3,\n9. 2,\n10. Bottom - 1",
      "maxValue": 10,
      "minValue": 1,
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "D31",
      "description": "Do you usually think of yourself as close to any particular political party and, if yes, which party is that? :",
      "value": "1. Labor Party (ALP),\n2. Liberal Party,\n3. National (Country) Party,\n5. Greens,\n8. No party affiliation,\n9. Other party (please specify)",
      "maxValue": 9,
      "minValue": 1,
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "D32",
      "description": "Did you vote in Australias federal election in September 2013? :",
      "value": "1. Yes, I did vote,\n2. No, I did not vote,\n3. I was not eligible to vote in the last election",
      "maxValue": 3,
      "minValue": 1,
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "D33",
      "description": "Thinking back to the last general election in September 2013 - Which party did you vote for? :",
      "value": "1. Labor Party (ALP),\n2. Liberal Party,\n3. National (Country) Party,\n5. Greens,\n6. Other party (please specify)",
      "maxValue": 6,
      "minValue": 1,
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "D34",
      "description": "What country were you born in? :",
      "value": "1. Australia,\n2. Overseas - Please specify country",
      "maxValue": 2,
      "minValue": 1,
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "D34SACC1",
      "description": "Code for group: SACC Level: 0",
      "value": "0. Error,\n1. Oceania and Antarctica,\n2. North-west Europe,\n3. Southern and eastern Europe,\n4. North Africa and the Middle East ,\n5. South-east Asia,\n6. North-east Asia,\n7. Southern and central Asia,\n8. Americas,\n9. Sub-Saharan Africa",
      "maxValue": 9,
      "minValue": 0,
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "D35",
      "description": "What country was your mother born in? :",
      "value": "1. Australia,\n2. Overseas - Please specify country",
      "maxValue": 2,
      "minValue": 1,
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "D35SACC1",
      "description": "Code for group: SACC Level: 0",
      "value": "0. Error,\n1. Oceania and Antarctica,\n2. North-west Europe,\n3. Southern and eastern Europe,\n4. North Africa and the Middle East ,\n5. South-east Asia,\n6. North-east Asia,\n7. Southern and central Asia,\n8. Americas,\n9. Sub-Saharan Africa",
      "maxValue": 9,
      "minValue": 0,
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "D36",
      "description": "And what country was your father born in? :",
      "value": "1. Australia,\n2. Overseas - Please specify country",
      "maxValue": 2,
      "minValue": 1,
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "D36SACC1",
      "description": "Code for group: SACC Level: 0",
      "value": "0. Error,\n1. Oceania and Antarctica,\n2. North-west Europe,\n3. Southern and eastern Europe,\n4. North Africa and the Middle East ,\n5. South-east Asia,\n6. North-east Asia,\n7. Southern and central Asia,\n8. Americas,\n9. Sub-Saharan Africa",
      "maxValue": 9,
      "minValue": 0,
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "D38",
      "description": "Do you identify yourself as Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander? :",
      "value": "1. Yes,\n2. No",
      "maxValue": 2,
      "minValue": 1,
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "D40",
      "description": "Is there at least one telephone inside your home that is currently working and is not a mobile phone? :",
      "value": "1. Yes,\n2. No,\n3. Dont know",
      "maxValue": 3,
      "minValue": 1,
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "D41",
      "description": "How many people in your household, including yourself, have a currently working mobile phone?",
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "D42",
      "description": "In your home, do you have a computer (such as a PC, laptop or iPad) that is connected to the Internet? :",
      "value": "1. Yes,\n2. No,\n3. Dont know",
      "maxValue": 3,
      "minValue": 1,
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "D43",
      "description": "Before taxes and other deductions, what on average is your own total monthly income? : $",
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "D44",
      "description": "Before taxes and other deductions, what on average is the total monthly income of your household? : $",
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "D45",
      "description": "What is your current legal marital status? :",
      "value": "1. Married,\n2. Separated from my spouse but still legally married,\n3. Divorced from spouse,\n4. Widowed,\n5. I have never been married",
      "maxValue": 5,
      "minValue": 1,
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "D46",
      "description": "Would you describe the place where you live as ...  :",
      "value": "1. A big city,\n2. The suburbs or outskirts of a big city,\n3. A town or a small city,\n4. A country village,\n5. A farm or home in the country",
      "maxValue": 5,
      "minValue": 1,
      "@type": "propertyValue"
      "name": "state",
      "@type": "propertyValue"