Fundamentals of Multiple Regression

Based on the General Linear Model, least-squares multiple regression is a general technique through which one can analyse the relationship between a dependent variable and a set of independent or predictor variables.  The most important uses of the technique are:
1. to find the best linear prediction equation and evaluate its accuracy;
2. to control for other confounding variations in order to evaluate the contribution of a specific variable or set of variables;
3. to find  structural relations and provide explanations for them; and
4. to estimate population parameters and test hypotheses about the population.

This course provides an introduction to, and the fundamentals of multiple regression, covering enough of the statistical material for the intelligent use of the technique.  The approach is informal and applied rather than emphasising proofs of relevant theorems.  The course begins with a review of bivariate regression and extends the relevant principles to the case of multiple regression.  Particular attention is given to the application of multiple regression to substantive problems in the social sciences. By the end of the course, the student will have a knowledge of the principles of multiple regression, and the ability to conduct regression analyses, interpret the results, and to inspect elementary regression diagnostics to test the underlying model assumptions.  This course provides the foundations necessary for progression to ‘Applied Multiple Regression Analysis’, and to subsequent advanced-level courses in structural equation modelling and log-linear modelling.

Course participants should bring a laptop to this course with their choice of either SPSS, Stata, SAS or R pre-installed. ACSPRI stall will be in contact in the lead up to ensure course participants have access to a suitale machine and can provide help accessing licenses.

Level 2 - runs over 5 days

David John Gow is a consultant in research methods and statistics and their application in the social sciences.  He has taught in many ACSPRI Summer and Winter Programs

Course dates: Monday 20 July 2015 - Friday 24 July 2015
Course status: Course completed (no new applicants)
Week 3
Recommended Background: 

Participants should have completed an introductory statistics course covering at least some of the syllabus of ‘Introduction to Statistics’. A significant part of the course is the translation of the principles of multiple regression to practical data analysis using a statistical package. Some experience with a statistical package, such as SPSS, Stata or SAS, or the spreadsheet Excel is desirable.


Recommended Texts: 

The instructor’s bound, book-length course notes will serve as the course text.

Nearly all good social statistics texts treat regression analysis and thus constitute suitable reference material.  The following short monographs provide short, clear and technically sound coverage.
• Lewis-Beck, M., Applied Regression: An Introduction, Sage, 1980.
• Achen, C., Interpreting and Using Regression, Sage, 1982.
• Berry, William and Stanley Feldman, Multiple Regression in Practice, Sage, 1985.

Course fees
Non Member: 
Full time student Member: 
Winter Program 2015
Supported by: 

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